You can't trust Democracy...
After a staged attack is planned to become leaders throughout the world, these terrorists try to take over the world and rule under one name...
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The obstacles that came out from the crowd, there were still people, but not as much as the crowd was back there. When we drove out, we encountered a small residential area, where there were some people, but they did not look hostile, at least not the folks we encountered at the time. We went to a home, with two children on a farm, asking which house was abandoned quickly. They told us, on the other side of the house, it is closer to the center, and it is a better place to go for one night. So, Gary told us to move, and we got into the house. We saw that everyone left it in a hurry, and so there were still food, water, and cars. We each occupied one bedroom to sleep for the night, and there was a porch to watch down.
That night, Gary comes to me, and takes me onto the porch. After Gary pulled me outside, he then tells me, "Look at the sky!" I ask him, "Yea, wow, that streak going across it, it is the thing that is killing us right now...". Gary nodded, and said, "Listen, when we get to the center, I just want you to know that we are grateful for saving us, and if any one of us were to get out, it would be you." I thanked him, and he went in. I then looked up and realized something, we could use the star to map towards the center. And also, I realized that we would be able to anticipate who would be in the center, if we made some mirror devices and put them on our gun. I thought about these ideas, as I went to sleep. I went to sleep, planning my next move tomorrow.
That morning, we set off to go to the center. We finally would get to the one place we wanted to go for so long. Out, out of this war zone, and what is left of Detroit. We then loaded the trucks of makeshift mirror sticks, to pull off our last idea of getting out. The point of the mirrors was to see the very last fifty people what were in the building. We got into the truck, and got close to the center. We then realized that the center was as a matter of fact, the NEWS STATION. The news station was great for communications out. The only problem is that the last fifty people were all military. They were trying to get rid of all communication devices in the area.
As we got out of the van, we tried getting cover in the rocks. We tried to see what was going on in the base, which was the point of the mirrors. So, we saw that the weakest point of the guards was in the south side, which we were already there. We then positioned ourselves near the debris outside the news station, and we positioned the guns. We spotted all the guards in the south side of the building, which there were only four of. We then pulled our silencers out, and shot at them. We pulled the bodies out, and rushed inside. We encountered guards near the hall, but we then took them out. We snuck into the control room, and tried contacting the others.
We pulled out the radios, and tried many different connections in the radio. Then, an alarm rang from inside the news station. We then went to see what was going on, and in time we saw the soldiers coming towards us. We then placed C4 and ran to the roof. After it detonated, we realized that all the soldiers were coming up. Since it was the last day, it was only three minutes until the bomb above Detroit will detonate. We then went to the roof, and quickly deployed the flare from the police station. We then waited and hoped somebody would come.
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Almost all hope was lost, until we saw a military helicopter coming above us. It was part of the United States Marines, but not a part of this evil army. Then the door opened. Someone wearing a gas mask opened the door, took his mask off, and then told us, "We don't have much time, JUMP!". We then had no choice, and we all jumped on, as the army came up. He then took out his Mini-gun and started shooting the soldiers. He then closed the door, and signaled us to put our headphones on. He then started, "Are all you guys all right, no medical attention?". We all nodded, and told him, "We're fine, but we don't really know whats happening to the world right now." He then told us, "Base will explain everything."