[4] - [ Madness ]

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And all the things that I wished I had not said
Are played in loops 'till it's madness in my head

"Just leave me alone!" I heard as Yuri slammed the door shut, right in my face. That was a sight I'd never forget.
Yuri's face, so red and wet with tears, his blond hair messy and falling in his face, he looked horrible.

I sighed as I walked back downstairs to meet Yuri's grandpa. "...he's a tough one, ain't he?"

"Yeah." I replied, looking down.

"Well, he's been like that his whole life. Take it from me. If anyone can help him through this, it would be you."

I was a little surprised at his words. "Oh, I guess so. I was his first friend, wasn't I?"

He nodded. "You mean a lot to him, I can tell. That fight took a lot out of him."

"..." I felt so bad about it. I really didn't mean to say those things to him, but I was just trying to be responsible.

"Don't worry, boy, it'll be fine. Yura will get better, trust me."

"I do....I just feel so bad about all of this."

"Don't. Things will get better." He said, reassuring me. I hope they will.

I leave and decide to go back to the rink to tell the others what happened. I walk there slowly, as most of my energy was gone from running after Yuri. On the way, I run into Victor and Yuuri.

"Oh, Otabek! There you are." Victor calls out.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Yakov ended practice early today, so we were gonna check up on you and Yurio."

"...well, it didn't go the way I wanted it to." I replied, disappointed. "And I kinda need a place to stay now, sice Yuri doesn't want to see me ever again."

"Oh. That's bad." Yuuri said, in a little bit of shock. He turned to Victor. "Hmm, we have a guest room at the apartment, right, Victor?"

"Yeah, we do." Victor said, turning back to me. "You can stay with us if you like."

"Yeah, that would be great." I agreed, happy to have a place to stay.

"Well, let's get going then!" Victor called, grabbing Yuuri's hand and rushing forward, before stopping to say something to me. "Oh, unless you need to get anything from Yurio's place, that is."

"Ah, no. I'll be fine. I left my bag at the rink, so I think I'll have everything I'll need." I said, hoping to not have to stay for long.

"Okay, then!" Victor exclaimed as we headed back to the rink before heading to their apartment.


This wasn't the first time I'd been to their apartment. I'd been their a few times with Yuri, so it wasn't much of a surprise. "So this will be your room, Otabek."

"...thanks for this." I said to Yuuri.

"Oh, It's fine, really. There's no need to thank us." He replied, very politely. "We'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

I nodded as I entered the room. I sit on the bed and sigh. If this is how it goes, I guess that can't be helped. I just hope I can get through to Yuri somehow.

I put my stuff away as needed, and get settled in. I then head out to the kitchen. From afar, I overhear Victor and Yuuri.

"V-Victor...could you not do that, please?" I hear Yuuri say, slightly stuttering. "At least not w-while making dinner..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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