[1] - [ Silence ]

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I should have stopped you from walking out the door.

The door slammed shut as tears welled in my eyes. There you went. Gone, without a single word to say.

"You bastard..." Stupid. It was stupid, I know. I never should have let you leave like that.


It was just like any other day. Otabek had come over to Russia to train with us. Nothing different than how we'd usually hang out, so everything was fine.

Otabek and I were hanging out after practice at my Grandpa's house. It's only been a few months since the Grand Prix Finale, so their wasn't really much competition for a while.

Looking through Instagram, I sigh. Seeing all the photos from the banquet, especially the ones at the club anger me. I'm the youngest skater there. I can't go to the clubs. "...ugh."

"Hmm? What is it, Yuri?" Otabek asked, looking over my shoulder to see the pictures on my phone.

"Nothing. Just...frustrated."

"About the clubs in Barcelona?"

"...yeah." I looked to the side. "I still wanted to go to one."

"Yuri...you were only 15."

"But I'm 16 now!"

"That's still too young."

"Of course you say that, Otabek..." I paused to look at him, pouting. "You're a DJ. You go to clubs all the time."

"I know."

I looked at Otabek nervously. "...couldn't you have let me in?"

"..." He just stared at me for a second. "You weren't the only one underage."

Huh? He's avoiding the question. "I know, I know. But that doesn't answer my question!"

"... Yuri. That's illegal."

"So? I've done risky stuff before."

"Nothing that could get you arrested."

"...ngh." I grunted in response. He was right. Despite all the daring things I've done, none if it was that bad. Still, it frustrated me. "...couldn't you at least try? A little?"

"No." Otabek replied quickly, without any hesitation.

"Hah? Why the hell not?! I'm your friend, right?"

"Friends wouldn't get friends into trouble. Especially wouldn't get them arrested."

"But..." He's right. I know, but he could at least have a little fun. "That's not fun at all! It's fun to do stuff like that, you know?"

"Fun until you get caught."

"I wouldn't get caught! I'm good a blending in."

Otabek sighed. "You got caught immediately in Barcelona."

"That-" I stopped myself, then continued. "That was just on impulse! I didn't think that through..."

"...that's why it's a bad idea." Otabek turned to look at me. "You rush into things to fast."

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