44) Awkward Questions

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Lovesong by Adele, Thank Heaven for Little Girls by Maurice Chevalier, Mother and Child Reunion by Paul Simon, My Love is Your Love by Whitney Houston, Chevaliers de Sangreal by Hans Zimmer from The Da Vinci Code Soundtrack, SinnerMan (Felix Da Housecat Mix) by Nina Simone.




Jack was standing in water just up to his chest in the moonlight not too far from the beach or the house that was aglow with activity even after all the children were put to bed. Irina had brought Lena in and put their sleeping little girl to bed with a kiss and a smile before grabbing his hand and sneaking him out of the house with her. She was now wrapped around his body in the warm South Pacific waters with arms draped lazily around his neck. The water was mostly calm with the outer reefs blocking any waves and felt more like a giant bath right now then the ocean.

Irina claimed his lips in a slow sweet kiss taking their time to enjoy the other and without any hurry. Just enjoying being together.

"So are you having a good time?" Jack asked with a smile, his hands holding onto her weightless frame in the water around her waist and fingers pressing into her lower back lightly.

"I'm always having a good time when I'm with you or our children." Irina smiled, resting her forehead against his and closing her eyes. "I found seashells with Nadia, went swimming with Nicholas, stargazing with Lena, made sand angels with Anya," She smiled when he snickered at the picture of Irina making sand angels with their first granddaughter, "Played 'chicken war' with Julian and Sydney and built sand castles with all of them. It was a good day."

"Yes, it was." Jack smiled kissing her lips and laughing softly as another image of Irina from the day entered his mind of her attacking Julian like an Anaconda in the water again after he thought their game was over and went back to taunting.

Their kissing picked up intensity and need and it wasn't long before they were making love standing in the water. It was long and slow and pleasantly torturous before they both fell off the drop off. When they'd both come down they submerged themselves under water and came up laughing swimming in playful circles around each other before coming back together again.

Irina had to smile feeling his rapidly rising intentions once again brushing against her matching the lust and passion she saw radiating in his gaze.

"Ah!" He suddenly gasped looking around at the dark water around them, "I just felt an eel or something brush against my leg."

"Me too." Irina laughed nibbling on his ear and thinking of another.

"No! Not that! I mean it! I felt something!" Jack looked around paranoid at the black vast sea surrounding them.

"I'm sure you did." Irina continued her lingual assault on his neck while rubbing her body against his; her hand going between their bodies and grasping him making him gasp and shiver and her laugh softly against his neck.

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