67) Falling For Him

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Drive by Ziggy Marley, Stay by Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko, One More Night by Maroon 5, Secrets by One Republic, Camelot Lives by Jerry Goldsmith from First Knight Soundtrack, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.



Irina watched Arman with analyzing eyes the moment he walked through the door with his mother, bringing a bottle of wine and noticed his uneasiness as he looked around, the same look that he wanted to crawl out of skin and the shift in his eyes when she told them Lena was upstairs laying down resting after the eventful day. He bit nervously on his lip with hands behind his back as he looked over the photos on the table full of them and saw his flash of a smile when his eyes landed on Lena's and then, the wave of sadness and watched him swallow hard when he saw the ones of Lena with Antony, from the time they were children, all the way up until the night he died from her birthday.

Lena walked quietly down the hallway with her breath catching looking over the railing and seeing his back while he looked over the photographs and heard her parents chatter while Nicholas and Isabella struck up a conversation with Arman.

"Lena," Nadia called out to her gaining her attention and everyone's in the room, "Would you mind holding Elektra for a moment while I run upstairs and change my clothes quick?" She asked her sister with a smile, passing the tiny baby to Lena who nodded with eyes flashing between Arman and the baby now in her arms. She kissed Elektra's sweet little neck and smoothed her hand over her tiny head while walking slowly towards Arman, her brother and Isabella while Nadia ran off.

"Hello." Arman greeted her with a soft voice slightly broken with emotion looking at her with the baby and remembering the sadness that washed over Russia when they found out she had lost her own. Her baby and his father and understood her tears last night all too well. "Congratulations on your win today." He spoke just as quietly and the others' in the room watched the interaction with fascination taking note of the energy change the moment they were facing each other.

"Thank you." Lena whispered in response diverting her eyes and shifting the baby on her shoulder, pressing her cheek against Elektra's head, "I'm sorry that you had to withdraw from the marathon. I feel awful about that…about what happened." She added with eyes flashing up and he knew the last part was in reference to last night and his heart clenched.

"Don't be sorry for me. I'm only sorry that you were hurt." He answered speaking in the same hidden meanings that only they understood though the others picked up on something they were obviously missing. "She's beautiful." He smiled softly reaching out to touch Elektra's tiny hand.

"Yes, she is." Lena kissed her sweet little head with a soft smile, "My sister is amazing at everything she does."

That was the most they said to each other all evening sitting across from each other at dinner and turning away with stolen glances while Jack and Irina watched them both with fascination and their silences spoke volumes while the energy between them crackled. When Tanya offered to take Lena back to the Olympic Village already taking Arman back, both Lena and Arman's eyes widened and looked like they wanted to turn inside out though Lena politely accepted. Even if Max was going to be returning there with her security team, she could hardly say 'no' to Tanya's kind offer. Kissing her family goodnight before following them out to the car, she nodded at Max who jumped into the security car to follow them.

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