58) Dark Turns

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Music for this chapter (on repeat): Dragula (remix) by Rob Zombie, World on Fire (Junkie XL Club Remix) by Sarah McLachlan & Junkie XL, Time by Hans Zimmer from Inception Soundtrack, The Beach Song by Hans Zimmer from True Romance Soundtrack



Havana, Cuba

It didn't take Lena long to find the corner bar at the speed she was driving at and slid the bike across the cobblestones to a stop in parallel parking spot. Her eyes were glued to the upstairs balcony apartment with lights on and loud music coming from within while she kicked the bike to rest and twisted the wires apart shutting the bike off and ran hard towards the building.

When she jumped off she received quite a few cat calls from the open bar before her and its drunken patrons and felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck as she hurried forth to the door leading to the apartment upstairs

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When she jumped off she received quite a few cat calls from the open bar before her and its drunken patrons and felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck as she hurried forth to the door leading to the apartment upstairs. The steps were old ceramic tiled and broken and chipped with various graffiti on the walls all the way up the stairs and broken bottles littering the path, clearly a party place and rapidly rounded the corner to stand before the door. She pounded hard on the door several times before someone answered.

"Mio Dios!" One of the drunken young men wowed her when he opened the door and hooted with enthusiasm, "It's the sister!" He laughed.

"Lena!" Nadia screamed over the music realizing her sister was there and thankful she was as her world was swimming madly and tears were streaking down her face being held back against one of the guys on the couch in another room, sitting directly in front of the balcony. His hands were all over her body and her shirt had been torn off quite some time ago.

*Dragula (Remix)*

Once Lena heard the scream, she charged into the room around the door to see what was happening to her sister and was grabbed at the same time from behind by the other two guys while Nadia continued to cry out her name for Lena to help her and because she was now being attacked herself.

The idiots had made the mistake of grabbing the wrong girl and she rapidly broke free of their grasps with a stunning display of kicks and punches combining her martial arts and hit them again when they attacked her again knocking them back and onto the ground.

The two from the couch had jumped up to avenge their friends slowly picking themselves up off the floor and were a mixture of turned on, pissed off and challenged coming at her. She did two rapid spinning kicks landing her high heel against the sides of each of their faces bringing them down just as the ones behind her were getting up with bloody noses and lips coming back in their drunkenness for more.

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