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Kenzie's pov
All of us quickly rushed to the hospital. We waited in the waiting room and about 10 minuetes later the doctor come out.

K-is she ok?
J-can we see her?
D-she is done with her surgery and ok but she is still in a coma and in life support. Now there is a 50% chance of her waking up and 50% chance of her not waking up. And you may see her.
Pd-oh thank god!
And with that all of us came rushing in well all of us except katie riley and jojo that is...
I came inside her room only seeing her pale body attached with wires to machines. I cant bare to watched her like this. I didnt know what to do so i just broke down crying. Jayden followed me as well which i didnt really care because she is her sister as well...
Then the doctor came in...ugh!
D-sorry but visiting time is over.
With that he left. I groaned and dragged myself up and just went home. I just stayed in my room for the rest of the night watching some videos of annie.

A/N: sorry for a very short chapter but the next chapter will be longer i promise!

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