Chapter 3 - First

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Author's Note:

" This chapter is dedicated to Gyra Ramos becuase she helped with the climax :D

Don't forget to vote and share your thoughts!"

 Chapter 3

 “Good morning Ms. Jade, the principal would like to talk to you for a minute”, Ms Ley greeted.

“Oh. What for? Something important?” Jade asked.

“Just go inside” I said to her, and she smiled.

"Oh hello there Jake, please sit down. It would only be for a couple of minutes." Ms Ley finally noticed me.

I sat down on one of the seats and waited. Questions about her strange behavior flew in my mind. What is her problem? Did I do something wrong? Why does she look so tired? Why is she so quiet? When is she going to tell me? Or is she ever even going to tell me? I'm dying of curiosity so I tried not to think too much about it. What are they even talking about? What could possibly take them too long? She's been there for like one and a half hour.

Finally, the door opened. Good, she's here.

Jaden looked at me with happiness, her big brown eyes sparkly once again. I saw my Jade again.

“What did she say?” I asked her, trying not to tell her know how much I've been dying to know what they were talking about.

“Guess what?!” she chirped.

“I’m in! You know I was talking about entering in a cultural dance group right? I auditioned last week, and I can’t believe I actually got in!” Her smile was so captivating and I sighed in relief that she's back. I'm not at all surprised that she got in, she is amazing.

She hugged me tightly right away and I hugged her back. I crave for her hugs. They are always so calming and cool.

“That's great! I knew you could make it. Come on, let's get milk tea. My treat.” I winked at her and she giggled.

"You know me too well. How can I resist a cup of milk tea? Come on!", she replied.

“Jade? Um, about your new group, what’s gonna happen? Are there any new contributors? Are there going to be new schedules?”

She smirked and took a step towards me and said “ Just wait “

Then suddenly, I felt her warm and soft lips brush mine for a second. I can't eve describe what I'm feeling right now- extreme happiness, shock,  and it feels so good. No, not good, it can't cover how it really feels like. Magnificent is more like it. Or superb, splendid, outstanding or anything just great.   My eyes widen after that but she was just calm and kept walking forward.

My first kiss! Short but very memorable. I have longed for that kiss for too long. Okay, stop it and follow her.

After we had milk tea, I had to tie my shoelaces so she went ahead. Then, she was out of my sight and I began to panic. With my heart racing, I looked around me. Panicking is not a good solution in this kind of situation. I try my best to relax. But it’s so dark and cold, only a street light is lighting the whole walkway.  What could possibly happen to her? No, stop it, don't think like that. Then just around the corner a couple of meters away, I saw a girl sitting on the bench. I hope it's Jaden. Please be Jaden. Slowly, I approached the girl.

“Jaden, is that you?” I asked.

 “Gosh, where have you have been? I was tired of a long walk so I just rested. What took you so long in just tying your shoelaces? Why do you look so tired?” she asked.

I pulled her in a hug quickly but gently. I sighed in relief, put a smile on my face and just calmed for a while. Not knowing where she is or what she’s doing makes me so nervous. I just don't know what I would do if something happened to her.

“ I thought you were kidnapped or something!” I shouted

“You look so cute when you're scared and nervous" she pinched me and held out her hand. As I take it, I feel love, comfort. We walked until we reached their gate.

Still holding her hand she said goodnight. and she hugged me.

"Bye Jade , goodnight!" She lets go of my hand and I chased it. And quickly pulled her unto me and 

embraced her tightly. As if it's going to be our last meeting.

She let's go of me and I do too, because she saw her older sister, Lea. That awkard moment when you saw one of her family member checking on you. I wave my hand and smiled at her and she returns the gesture. I made sure she went inside, safe and unharmed, before going home.

I reached home and opened the door. It's already 9pm and still my sisters are awake.

"Sorry I'm late"

"Hi there big bro!" Ela and Emma said together. They look so cute as always.

"Hey there, why are you still awake? It's late already." 

They looked at each other and Ela said, "Weeelllll, we got hungry and saw some oreos in the snackbox and ate it"

I laughed softly and asked "Where's mom?"

"In the laundry room, doing the laundry" They answered together again.

 "So. what happened a while ago ? Any new stories you want to share with us?", they looked at me mischievously.

"Huh? What stories?" I widened my eyes.

I mean what do I expect from them, they're already 13. They know those kind of stuff.

"What story?" Mom asked just when she came in.

"Nothing" I replied immediately. I get a plate of mac and cheese and reheated it.

Ela and Emma were looking at my plate, they looked so hungry.

"Do you want some?" I said with a mouthful of mac & cheese . 

"No, we ate already" Emma said, Ela nodded.

"Are you sure? Because you don't seem sure at all." I looked at them doubtfully.

"Well, we ate a tiny portion cause we wanted to wait for you." Ela said.

How thoughtful of them. Or maybe they just want me to share my mac and cheese.

"Well, come on, let's eat then" I said and grabbed two plates for them. They both gave me a huge smile and thanked me for letting me share my mac&cheese. But I really think that they ate a big portion. I mean, come on, I'm 17 and a growing man. I eat a lot.

After we ate mom's famous mac & cheese. I washed the plates and they wiped the table.

I went up to my room and did my homeworks. 

These 500 days of SummerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon