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You walked back into where Allura, Coran and Keith were waiting for the others, as you got to the doorway you noticed Keith was sitting on the floor with his face in his face in his palms "Keith, you alright" you said quietly so Coran and Allura didn't hear you, Keith looked at you in shock but didn't respond.

"Hey everyone", you heard from behind you as Pidge and Shiro walked in. "Your back" you said happily as you walked up to them. Pidge started saying amazing things about the green lion while Shiro went over to see Keith "you doing ok" you overhear shiro say as Keith lifted his head "no" Keith replied "I.......I have feelings for Y/N and I kissed before saying I liked her and I don't know what to say to her now so I'm just thinking". "Thinking of what" Shiro replied as you and Pidge ease drop on the conversation "I'm thinking of Y/N" Keith said trying to be relaxed. "Whoa you kissed Keith"! Pidge whispered to you in shock as he started freaking out "yes, but you can't tell anyone especially not Lance" you said strictly, "can't tell me what" you heard from behind you, "Lance, Hunk your back" you said in a concerned voice. Pidge and Hunk started talking about their lions while you grabbed Lances hand and went behind the wall "what did you not want Pidge tell me, I'm your best friend what can you possibly not tell me" Lance said as he was getting upset, "look before I say this you have to promise you won't get mad at me or anyone it involves" you said quietly so no one overheard, "fine I promise now what are you not telling me" Lance said impatiently, "when you were gone getting the yellow lion with Hunk and Shiro and Pidge were getting the green lion, me and Keith..." you tried to finish the rest of your sentence in a calm way trying to say it so Lance wouldn't get mad, "Y/N what did you do with Keith" Lance sad trying not to get angry "me and Keith kissed....before he told me he liked me" you said trying to stay calm. You could tell Lance was mad as soon as he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards Keith, Keith looked surprised but knew exactly what was going on "look Lance" was all Keith got out before Lance punched him in the face, everyone stopped what they were doing to see what was happening. "Why did you do it Keith"! You heard Lance yell "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO KISS Y/N"! "Look Lance I didn't want to do this but you made me" Keith said as he clenched his fist, Keith grabbed the collar of Lances shirt and punched him across the face "Keith" you yell in anger "let him go" "why should I" he responded "because I said so" you replied while glaring at him, Keith let go of Lances collar and while you smacked them both across the face and dragged them out into the hallway.

"Keith, why did you kiss me, and I want a serious answer" you said trying not to explode. "I kissed you because I didn't know how to tell you I liked you until I knew for sure" Keith said while clenching his fists, you grabbed his hand and looked at him until he stopped "Y/N why did you not want to tell me" Lance said resisting the urge to punch Keith "I didn't want you to know because I knew you liked me and I didn't want you to be upset because I know you and Keith don't like each other so I'm sorry". You said as you walked back into the room towards Shiro.

"Did we find the red lion yet" Shiro asks Allura and Coran, "Allura just located it there's a bit of good news and bad news, the good news is the red lion is nearby the bad news is it's on that gulra ship now orbiting Arus, but wait good news again we're Arus" Coran said trying to lighten up the mood, "their here already" you said in shock "yes, guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting is more of an art then a science" coran said as a face popped up on the window in front of us "princess Allura this is commander Zendak of the gulra empire, I come on behalf of emperor Zarkon, Lord of the known universe" the gulra said as you were all in shock "I am here to confiscate the lions turn them over to me or I will destroy your planet" he said as you stood there silently. "Alright let's not panic" Shiro said as he was interrupted by Hunk "not panic, the scaring purple alien thing is driving his ship toward us and we only have 3 lions and a castle that's over ten thousand years old now is the perfect time to panic"! "Wait this castle has a particle barrier we can activate" Allura said while Lancewas grinning "girl you've already activated my partic" "LANCE"! Shiro yelled. "The particle barrier won't hold Zendaks ion cannon forever, the gulra technology must have advanced since we fought them last" Coran said holding his chin, "panic now" Hunk said nervously while Shiro disagreed "we just gotta figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly" Shiro said as Lance started speaking "I say we pop through a wormhole and love to fight another day" "I second that, I mean we tried to find all the lions right we gave it the old collage try couldn't do it we only have three we can't form voltron, I mean I guess we could form a snake or a worm to go through the hole that Lance was talking about" Hunk said nervously "then it's settled Allura Y/N you ride with me, somebody take the old guy" Lance said smirking "we can't just abandon Arus, the gulra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners, until we stop them" Pidge said as you agreed. "Ok if we run maybe Zendak will follow us and leave this planet alone like when we left earth, we form the snake worm thinga ma jig and we ssssssss on out of here" Hunk said while you could tell Keith was getting mad "Zendak could destroy the planet then come after us anyway, staying is our only option" Keith said staring at Lance and Hunk, "here's an option shut your QUIZNAK" Lance said making Allura and Coran stand in shock "I don't think your using that word correctly" Keith barked back "what do you know mullet" Lance said out of anger "we're staying"! Keith yelled "Leaving"! Lance replied as Pidge yelled "Staying", "SNAKE" you heard Hunk yell. "Guys stop"! Shiro yelled forcing everyone to cross there arms and pout "princess Allura these are your lions you've dealt with the gulra empire before you know what we are facing better then any of us what do you think is the best course of action" Shiro said as he looked at Allura "I uh I don't know" she said looking upset "perhaps your father can mhelp" Coran said looking at Allura "my father" Allura looked surprised as her and Coran walked out of the room

Keith looked at you leaning against the wall knowing that you didn't want anything to do with what just happened. You didn't know he was looking at you until you looked at him as he was walking over to you. "So that just happened he said sitting against the wall beside you as you slid down to the floor to sit with him. "Yea it did, and it wasn't a pretty picture, you all did make some pretty good points though, except for Hunk who was just saying stuff out of fear" you said as you placed your hand on your knee. Keith started laughing at what you said "yea he really is afraid of aliens isn't he" he said with a grin on his face you started to smile as he grabbed your hand, you looked at his eyes and got closer, "Y/N, what were you going to say after I kissed you" you took your hand off your need and placed it on Keith's cheek "I was going to say that I like you, a lot" he started blushing as you leaned in to kiss him and before you could you heard Lances voice "what are you doing Keith" he said glaring at him you stood up to tell Lance what you were doing when he grabbed your chin and kissed you in front of Keith. You pushed Lance off of you while Keith was ready to punch Lance in the face. Shiro walked over "what's going on" Shiro said looking at the three of "Lance kissed Y/N just to get back at me for kissing him/her" Keith said as he was about ready to explode "Well I only kissed Y/N because he/she was gonna kiss you" Lance said as he clenched his fists "look why don't you both just calm down, you both seem to have an interest in Y/N and he/she obviously likes you both as well, so you two boys better knock it off cause Y/N will have to choose one of you or he/she won't choose at all" Shiro said glaring at Lance and Keith while you were looking down at your feet, "I wont want to be with either of you if you keep fighting over me, but I do like both of you so if you guys just knock it off you might have a chance, especially you Lance so knock it off". You said as Lance started to walk away, Shiro went after Lance to talk to him while you slid back down the wall.

"Are you ok" Keith asked "not really" you said, Keith put his arm around you while you put your head on his shoulder. You looked over at Lance to see that he was jealous, you lifted your head and look at Keith as he got closer, "you wanna try that kiss again" Keith asks as you put your lips on his, as soon as the kiss ended Keith laughed and you didn't know why "was that kiss better then Lances" he asked with a grin on his face "Keith, are you serious" you said in an annoyed voice, you didn't answer until you said "I didn't want to kiss him so I think this kiss was better cause I actually wanted to do it" Keith smiled as he started to blush, you kissed him on the cheek as he grabbed your hand, "would you two stop making out over there"! You heard Lance yell of jealousy while you to started to blush. "Lance, nock it off already" You heard Shiro yell as Allura and Coran walked back into the room before you stood up to hear what Allura had to say you looked at Keith when he said "I want to be with you, even if you don't want to be with me too, I just wanted to let you know" you looked at him like there was no one else you cared about, he kissed you again before he walked to Shiro. You were staring at Keith until you noticed Allura was about to speak.

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