Family Portrait

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I woke up to the soothing sound of running water from a shower. I got up and realized where I am. I got out of bed and went to mine to freshen up. I went to take a shower and let the steaming water comfort me.

I enjoyed the sun thats coming out from the bathroom window warming up the room. I let my mind dozes off to the hall of memories. it's a really weird name and it made me more curious to go see it. I know luke told me not to but what can it hurt. he hides so much from me. what if they're some serial killers like I saw in my dreams and they want to kill me or something. I have to know what they're hiding. I'm not nosy or anything im just curious and worried.

after finishing off the shower and everything else, I went out out the door. I can still hear the shower running in Luke's room. when I went near the stairs, I could hear the boys downstairs joking and eating breakfast I guess.

'perfect time for my mission' I thought

I went to the left hall. it was pretty dark in there so I guess none would see me. there were rooms identical to the rooms in the right hall. but it was a bit strange. at every room door, there was a name of each of the boys on it with colorful alphabets. the doors are just like in the right hall and Luke's room is across the hall just like in the other side. but instead jai's room had the name beau and on Luke's door had the two names luke and jai.

I went into Luke & jai's room. it had blue painted walls and two small beds for kids. in each bed was crafted a name. on the right was luke and on the left was jai. I think thats their rooms when they were children.

I went out of there and thought 'if everyone has their own rooms just like the other side, then who has my room on this side?'

I went to my room on this side and the door said 'mum' instead of colorful alphabets, it was written in a  dull shade of yellow. I opened the room and got in there.

unlike the other rooms, this was a typical adult room. it had a king size bed, a desk, a tv and a couch with two chairs. just like my room and it was decorated the same as well. thats very weird. where is their mom anyway. luke never talked about her. he just talked about his father the other day in the orphanage.

I went out of the room. and thought to see what's in that hall again. at the end was a big portrait and unlike the right hallway, this hallway had two extra small hallways one to the right and another goes left.

I stopped infront of the portrait to take a close look. it was of luke, jai and beau they all looked the same as today. like this picture was taken today. that's very weird for the portrait's quality. the weirdest thing was what I saw next.

my jaw hit the floor when I saw this.  they were all hugging a lady in her thirties. she looked exactly like me almost Identical . what is this I don't remember having a portrait with the boys. I mean I just met them yesterday. bur how does she look like me so much??

my fingers traced down the frame it carved all their names in there and in the middle was written 'Jane Brooks'   who is jane? is she their mother? but how does she look so much like me. this is so confusing.

at the top of the frame was carved '1809' what is this date. it can't be the year of the portrait. that was centuries ago. maybe this portrait is fake or a joke between the boys. Im not sure if I make any sense now.

I left the weird family portrait like that. I decided to check the small hallways. the right one wasn't long it was short and had a lonely door in the end. while the left hallway. had a dark dusty stairs that led somewhere else. I decided to go to the right first.

I opened the door and just like luke told me, it was a music room. it had lots of classic instruments. but one specific instrument caught my eyes. A Piano. I haven't played this since I was 8 years old when Mr. Robinson decided to give me piano classes. I traced my fingers at the dusty piano and took a glance at the room for one last time. there was nothing special in it other than the piano so I walked out.

I went to my next and final destination, I hope. I went to the dark stairs. it's like a small basement. there was a lamp so I flickered the lights on and went down the stairs.

it led to a door of what seems like a secret passage. I went through the passage and saw myself surrounded with tall big trees. I was in the middle of the forest.

'Is this some sort of escape?' I thought

I thought of investigating the place but also thought of what if the boys were looking for me.

'nah, I'm sure they still think im asleep or something' my mind told me

I decided to let these thoughts in the back of my head and go find out whats in here. I mean they never told me anything about any danger in the forest.

I went to the forest but not too long when I heard a twig break behind me. the fear ignited in me and I turned around to be met by nothing. maybe its my imagination. I walked again but felt watched from my back. I turned around again but it was the same thing. I was met by nothing again. something told me to just go back and I followed that sense.

I walked back to the passage but heard something behind me again I turned around and saw nothing but as soon as I turned around again in my route there was another sound in my side. I looked there and saw a dark figure behind the large trees. my eyes widened and I made a run for the palace. I still could feel something watching me from behind me but I didn't turn around this time. instead, I just kept on running to the passage I came from and I arrived there peacefully and thankfully, Alive.

I also made a run for the dark stairs looking behind me if something or someone had followed me here thats when, I hit something hard or should I say someone. I looked at his face and knew exactly who this is but it made me let out a loud scream.



im so very sorry I last updated in june. like im so stupid.

screw vacation and summer plans. plus, my brother's wedding is next month so im so very sorry and im working on the next chapter now.  although I don't exactly know when I'll update the next chapter.

because you see, I wrote a chapter that is supposed to be two chapters away so yeah.

sorry again.


and tell me your opinions

Lots Of love,

-The Day Dreamer.

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