(Rantaro) Now She's Getting Married

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Rantaro x Fem! Reader
This is kind of angsty

Rantaro checked his mailbox.  He never got any letters, but he checked anyway.
Today was different.  There was a small note with beautiful handwriting.  It was an invitation to a wedding.  Y/N's wedding.
She was soft, she was kind
She was warm and she was mine
Y/N used to be Rantaro's girlfriend.  It was a mutual breakup. They just didn't feel the same passion for each other.  Rantaro found it harder to move on.  Y/N, not so much.  The two had remained friends, but it was completely platonic.

He sighed and looked at the ring he had bought for her.  He had thought about proposing to Y/N before.  He guessed some other lucky man had snatched her up before he could.

And now she's getting married, now she's getting getting married
And I'm not the one she'll kiss goodnight
Y/N was marrying Kaito Momota (who had been to space by now).  Yeah, high school had passed by a long time ago.
We were young I'll admit, but I thought that this was it
And now she's getting married, all my hope is buried
And I wonder if she ever thinks of
Ice cream in the park, dancing in the dark and holding like she'd never let me go
Rantaro thought of all the fun they had together.  He never imagined that Y/N would be getting married.  In fact, he didn't think Y/N would be the type to settle down.  That's probably why she was marrying someone like Kaito, fun loving and somewhat wild.  Maybe Y/N had matured and grown out of her teenage rebellious self.
She'll dress up wearing white, while I wait for a wife
As much as Rantaro didn't want to see Y/N become one with another man, he didn't want to make Y/N sad.  After all, they used to be best friends.  He was definitely going to the wedding.
And now she's getting carried from the sanctuary and they're driving down the streets where we once held each others hands
Talked about our plans and dreamed about the places we would go
The wedding was galaxy themed because of Kaito and Y/N's love for space.  Kaito had a purple suit and tie.  Then he saw Y/N.  She had changed a lot in the few years they hadn't seen each other.  She had a galaxy dress that trailed behind her. Her hair was purple with bits of blue to add to the effect.  She completed the look with galaxy contacts (sorry I'm not good at describing clothes) She was beautiful in Rantaro's eyes.  She walked toward Kaito.  Every word that was said between the two faded to silence. Rantaro didn't hear anything. He just saw them kiss, and his heart broke. Tears formed in his eyes.  Other people were crying, but not for the reason Rantaro was.
Do you ever think, do you ever think, do you ever think of me?
Do you ever dream, do you ever dream, that we were meant to be?
Do you ever think, do you ever think, do you ever think of me?
Do you ever dream, do you ever dream that we were meant to be?
Y/N had been spending more time with Rantaro because when Kaito was gone, she was all alone.
"Rantaro!" Y/N yelled running toward him.
She embraced him in a tight and loving hug.
"I have great news! I'm pregnant!"
"That's great, Y/N!" He said lifting her up, causing her to giggle.
Rantaro smiled even though his shattered heart seemed to turn to dust.
"You gotta keep it a secret though! I want to save it as a surprise when Kaito gets back from space!" She said gleefully, putting her finger to her lips.


"Rantaro!" Y/N cried, tears streaming from her eyes.
"Y/N, what happened?" He asked, concerned.
"He's dead! The sickness killed him!" She cried into his shoulder.
Her twin boys, who she had named Orion and Apollo, started wailing..
"I can't take care of them on my own!" She said, trying to calm her children.
Rantaro took one of them, cradling him and successfully soothing the screaming child.
"You won't do it alone, Y/N. I'll be here.  I used to take care of my sisters."
"Thank you Rantaro! I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for you!" She said.
They had moved in together.  The boy's had grown to be about five now.  They were very kind, smart, and considerate.  They looked like a perfect mix of Kaito and Y/N.
They had Y/N's hair color, Kaito's lilac eyes, and they had the had the smile of their father.  The resemblances between Y/N's children and Kaito made Rantaro depressed.  He could never be like Kaito to Y/N.  He could never be loved by her.

Your POV

One night when you were telling them a story and Rataro was asleep, Apollo asked, "Why do you and Daddy sleep in different rooms?"

You were surprised by the question, you had never told them about Kaito?  Maybe you were so caught up in your now almost perfect life with Rantaro, who had helped you tremendously.

"Apollo, honey, Rantaro isn't your daddy."

Rantaro listened to you outside the door with an almost sad look on his face.

"If he isn't our daddy, who is?" Orion asked.

"Your daddy was an astronaut! He traveled around in space, saw stars, and the moon up close!" Y/N said.

"Where's daddy now?"

"Your daddy is in space."

"Was he nice?" Apollo asked.
"He was very nice."

"Was he like Rantaro?"

"You could say so. They are both very nice people."

"So can we call Rantaro daddy?"

Y/N didn't know how to answer.  She looked at the door to see Rantaro. She looked at him almost to ask him if it was alright if he acted as her childrens' father.
He nodded. I mean, he had practically raised them so far, so why not.
"Yeah, you can call him daddy!" Y/N said smiling.
So if I, had the chance, I would ask for one last dance
I know we're not together, I'll love her forever
Even when I'm married, now she's getting married

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