The Family Trip

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[Nikki's POV] 

I was watching stupid videos on my couch, with my drummer, Nick, the day before Warped Tour. I was half asleep on his shoulder when he started poking me. "Dude, someones at the door." I groaned. "Jus- just fuckin' tell 'em to fuck off." Nick laughed. "No! Get off my shoulder!" He said as he stood up. I groaned again and fell over where he was sitting previously. I closed my eyes and around three minutes later I heard footsteps around me. 

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head!!" I heard Ashley shouting at me. "Fuck off." I mumbled and she giggled. "No! You need to pack for our Family Trip tomorrow!" I groaned again. Ash likes to call touring, 'Family Trips', because she considered us all family. I didn't like it but it made her happy. If I used to date her and she's my mother or something, the family dinners must be awkward. 

Then I felt Nick take my hand. "I always knew you were gay." I said. "Shut up!" He retorted and pulled me off the couch. 

I yelped as I hit the ground. They both laughed. "Gonna get up?" I shook my head. "Suit yourself, help me?" He asked Ash and she nodded and grabbed my other hand. 

And with that they both dragged me to my room. 

"Guyyyyyssss!!" I whined as they stopped pulling me. "What? Do you want us to pack your for you, lazy ass?" Ash sassed me. I nodded. She laughed and pulled me up to my feet.

"Uuuuuugggggghhh!" I groaned. "Stop groaning and pack your bag!" Nick shouted. "NO!" I stuck my tongue out at him and went to pack, groaning to annoy him. 

"He's such a bitch." I heard him say to Ash. "Fuck up!!" I said to him, packing my clothes. I'm sure this was entertaining for Ashley to watch. I continued to groan and Nick came up behind me and out a hand around my neck. I gagged. "More daddy!!" I fake moaned and Ashley was laughing very hard behind us. Nick's face was red and he moved away from me. I fell onto the ground laughing madly. 

- the next day - 

I packed my guitars into the storage unit of our tour bus, yawning quietly. Ashley came up behind me. "You alright? You look really fucking tired.." I nodded. "I'm okay, and I am tired. But I'll be okay, thanks." She nodded. 

We walked back onto the bus, to see Nick sitting on the couch, playing video games with Tyler and Jeremy was on the seats with our managers, both tour manager (Dave), and our manager in general (Isaac).

"Hey guys," Jeremy greeted us. "great to be back, isn't it?" I nodded in agreement. "It is! I can't wait for our first show!" Ashley said excitedly. "Go pick your bunks, Nikki and Ash!" Dave chimed in. "Give us two minutes, shit head!" I joked and he laughed. "Fuck up, kid." He retorted. I laughed and flipped him off and he returned the favour. 

Ashley went and chose her bunk, getting the bunk closest to the bathroom and I got the one nearest to the back longue, by default. Jeremy's bunk was underneath my one. 

"Nikki!!" I heard Nick shout, what did i do this time? I thought and walked out to him. "Whatcha want?" "Do you wanna look through the line-up?" Nick asked me. "I actually did already, there's a couple of new bands but we know them already, other than one of them." I answered. "What band is that?" He questioned, looking at me, confused. "The Undead." "Oh my god, I love them!" Jeremy said. "Who?" Tyler asked and Jeremy's jaw dropped and he put a hand on his 'heart'. "How dare you?!" I laughed and sat beside Nick. "Tell us more about them, will you?" Nick asked politely. 

Jeremy nodded. "The band consists of five members, Steven, who is 'too gay to function' and does backing vocals and guitar, August, the other guitarist, she breaks them too-" He shot a glance at me and I raised my hands in surrender. "- then, there's Austin, who plays drums and raps occasionally, and Anthony who plays bass!" Jeremy sounded like he was finished. 

"Uhm.. what about the singer?" I asked. "OH- sorry! Then there's Riot, that's not her real name but we don't know that." "Why not?" "Well, she's actually mute and the only time she's recorded using her voice is singing.." Jeremy explained. "Woah.." Nick was shocked. "Odd." Tyler chimed in. Jeremy nodded. "It is." Ashley walked in. "Things are shapin' up to be, prEtTY oDD!" She sang and we laughed. "So, do you know anything else about her?" I asked, interested. "Well, she's actually Courtney Love's kid." I choked. "As In kURT cOBaIn, LIKe??" He nodded. "Yes child." Jeremy said as if I were two years of age. 

- later in the day - 

I was laying down on the couch, my head on Nick's legs, watching them play Crash Bandicoot because I was not bothered to play games right now. 

Ashley checked her watch. "Get ready guys, we're on in an hour!" "Shit!" I spit on the ground and jumped up, heading to do my makeup. 

I did my usual makeup, got my guitar, checked if it was in tune and off we went to the back of the stage where we were supposed to be playing. There were other bands there too, the ones before and after us on this stage, just waiting and messing around like we all do. "Uptown Funk?" Nick asked us. "Fuck yeah!!" We all said in unison as Nick excitedly put it on his small speaker. We all sung and danced along to it. The other bands didn't really mind it, as far as I'm concerned, they looked amused!

Then we went onstage. 

I played like I usually did. Quite insane, might I say. I leaned back during the concert and stuck my tongue out, screaming to amuse others, mostly myself though. I looked back to see another new band backstage. Woah, I thought. That's The Undead. And they look hot. 

written: july 17th 2018

published:  august 3rd 2018

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