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Mani🐻: oh god...

Ally🐱: Dinah what's did you do?

Dinah🦁: nothing! I swear!

Lauren🐯: LIAR! Dinah has been out partying with Ashley and skipped out on our dates for the past three days! The only three days I had free to spend with her and she was out with Ashley!

Dinah🦁: well I'm sorry for wanting to spend time with my friend. I see you everyday Lauren!

Lauren🐯: ok but I still want to spend time with you and I want our dates to be special! Why don't you get that?

Dinah🦁: I do but Lo you have to understand that Ashley's been going through a hard time since her break up. I just want to be there.

Lauren🐯: and I get that, but Dinah what about me? We haven't had any alone time since Ashley's moved in.

Dinah🦁: so what are you saying Lauren? That we should just kick her out?

Lauren🐯: no, not at all, but I am saying that she's trying to come between us. I know our schedules haven't been the same for a while now, but we have always made time for each other. Since Ashley has been here we haven't.

Dinah🦁: I'm trying Lo.

Lauren🐯: not hard enough.

Dinah🦁: what are you trying to say Lauren?

Lauren🐯: I think we should take a break.

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