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Ashley: you have some nerve breaking Dinah's heart the way you did.

Lauren: I didn't mean to hurt her but I need this. We need this. I love her but it's for the best.

Ashley: the best? Breaking her heart was for the best? I'm glad you're gone because now Dinah can find someone who actually loves her.

Lauren: I do love her! I'm not doing this to hurt her I'm doing this to give myself time to think!

Ashley: think about what? Because you clearly don't love her if you just up and left her without even talking to her.

Lauren: I didn't leave her! I'm doing this for both of us. So we can both think about what we want. I know what I want to happen with us but I still need time to think. I want to fix us but I'm not sure how. I just need to figure everything out.

Ashley: and by the time that you do I hope Dinah has moved on. Because honestly she deserves someone better than you.

Ashley has blocked this number.

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