Chapter 13

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It was the next day and I had woken up a lot earlier than everyone else just so I could get some work done without being bothered by the others.
I did try to escape, I ran to the front door leading from the kitchen, but as soon as I opened it, Slender stood tall on the other side. Loud static bellowing as his tendrils flail madly, at a crazy speed behind him. Showing his anger. So I just slammed the door and ran, continuing with my work.
As the day moved on, I ended up in what appeared to be a TV room. There were 2 sofas, a tv, some sort of game station and a lot of games. It was weird to think that murderers, even demons and monsters were living just like normal, everyday people. It didn't seem real. How could they be living like normal people after all the things they do on a daily basis? But then again.. the things I dream of doing to my parents and those doctors and nurses for revenge.. am I any better?
Sighing deeply, I shake my head to rid the thoughts. I start to clean, polishing the sofas and moving to clean the windows, tv, tables etc. Taking my time.

Jeff T.K POV
I wake to the sun beaming through my window. Groaning, I slump my body out of bed and stumble to my wardrobe, getting changed before leaving my room. Heading to the tv room, meeting BEN and EJ along the way to which they join me.
We walk in and I instantly spot a figure cleaning at the windowsill. I scoff, forgetting she was still even here.
BEN, EJ and I head to sit down, BEN instantly turns a game on and begins to play, talking to me as he does so.
"I heard the maid slept in your room last night. Did I miss anything?"
He chuckles, his eyes fixed on the tv, focusing on his game.
"Shut up BEN. I forced her to sleep on the floor in the corner."
"Like an animal? She's basically your pet now!"
He laughs, losing his concentration on his game and grunting as he loses a life in the battle.
"The maid is not my pet!"
"She basically is! EJ will agree with me. You're the only one who uses her chain! No one else does. It's like you love the dominance over-"
He suddenly stops, pausing his game as his jaw hangs ajar. Slowly turning his head in my direction as his eyes light up.
"Don't you dare assume that!"
I growl. I knew exactly what he was thinking and I was not going to have any of it.
"You do enjoy the dominance you have over her don't you!"
"No I do not! The maid is meant to be a slave to us. Punished when needed and is here to be controlled, she gets no opinion or freedom-"
"You know I can hear you right?"
A voice suddenly snaps. All three of us turn in the direction of the source to see the maid stood there, her mask glaring at us as her arms cross tightly before she sighs, storming out of the room.
"Better go follow your pet Jeff."
EJ comments. To which I growl and throw BENs game controller at him, but he instantly catches it.  Tossing it back to BEN who continues his game.
Rolling my eyes, I stand and make my way to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

Readers POV
Rushing out the room to try and clear my mind. I head to the kitchen and begin to clean the dining table. To which a person I hadn't been introduced to yet sat. He had brown messy hair and wore some sort of metal mouth guard and goggles that looked similar to that of steampunk.
But not long after, Jeff storms in and heads to the fridge.
"Y-Yo Jeff! I g-got your mission t-t-t-target list."
The figure at the table speaks, standing to his feet, twitching harshly as he walks over to Jeff and hands him a piece of paper.
I listen carefully as he reads the two names written down. I instantly recognise them. He read out the names of my parents. The two people who I have dreamt of killing for as long as I can remember.

Jeff leaves the mansion, but I chase after him, calling out to him.
"Jeff wait! I want to help!"
He stops, turning to face me. His face full of anger.
"You're a maid. You ain't coming with me. Get lost."
"Please Jeff! I want to come with you for this one! And you can't stop me!"
I straighten my posture, standing tall, trying  to give the sign that I was not backing down. He sighs and shakes his head, turning and continuing on. I don't know what that meant but I followed anyway.
But, I really wanted to do this alone. This was my revenge. Mine. I needed to lose Jeff but I knew running ahead would do me no good. So, I slow my pace so I was behind him.
"Keep up. I'm not waiting around for you."
He growls, but I don't reply, instead, I grab the biggest rock I could lift alone, smashing it down against his skull, to which he fails to the floor, laying there unconscious.
Taking the paper from his hand, I quickly read the address to which my parents were staying. Luckily, I knew exactly where that house was. All these years, they never left.

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