Chapter 60 - Final

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"That s-sounds like a good idea."
I reply shakily to Jeffs remark of leaving. Making our way to the door, reaching my hand to the handle, only for my hand to shake and tremor as I do so.
Jeff speaks, grabbing my hand softly and holding it in his, entwining his fingers with mine.
"It's okay [Name].. You don't have to worry anymore.. Slender is gone now. No one is going to hurt you. You're safe. You're alive and will continue to live! I'm still here with you. We can finally leave. Together."
Jeffs soft and soppy words brought a tear to my eye and I couldn't help but smile.
"That was, so sweet, Jeff..."
He let's go of my hand, coughing awkwardly before shaking his shoulders and standing straight.
"Yeah don't get used to that!"
He snaps. But I couldn't help but giggle. Now I know that Jeff does have a soft, sweet and kind side. Somewhere deep inside of him. That must be what's left of that cute and innocent,  7 year old boy from school..
"Well. We should be safe to leave. Slenders dead so everyone would have run off to be free with no rules.. Probably should avoid the streets.."
Jeff chuckles, scratching the back of his head with an awkward grin.
"Then let's go!"
I smile, grabbing the door handle and pulling the doors open. Trotting out with a giggle, spinning and skipping as I go. It felt so good to know I was no longer in danger and could look forward to a feature with Jeff. It made me so happy. Just like I was as a little girl. 
"Well damn, someone's happy considering you just melted someone with acid. Got over that fast."
I couldn't help but laugh as I jog quickly over to Jeff, grabbing his hands and attempting to spin around. He drags his feet limply, not seeming entertained by it. Sighing as he does so.
"Aw c'mon Jeff! We're free! You're free from Slenders orders! You said it yourself, no one is out to kill us anymore!"

Jeff T.K. POV
[Name] giggles like a sweet little child, letting go of my arms and skipping  ahead.
"Wait for me! Just in case."
She stops at the kitchen doorway as it's door remains open. Turning to face me.
"Come on then!"
She smiles, before turning back to face the kitchen. But the moment she does so, an arm slashes out from the kitchen and stabs a knife down right into [Name]'s neck. Yanking it out, allowing her blood to squirt and poor out.
I yell as I run to her as fast as possible. She staggers towards me before falling, I manage to catch her just in time. Lowering to the floor, forcing my hand over her neck, putting as much pressure on her neck as possible.
"No! No no no no no! [Name]! Hold on just hold on! It's going to be okay!"
She gasps and gargles, her soft, weakening eyes staring fearfully into mine. Tears dribbling down her cheeks as she wheezes.
Just then, two figures walk out from the kitchen. LJ and Masky.
I cry and scream as I desperately try to stop the bleeding. But no matter how much presser I applied. The blood kept pouring out. Soaking my hand and my sleeve, dripping to the floor.
"We thought of killing you Jeff. But then we thought, death was too good for you. But killing your bitch meant eternal suffering."
LJ laughs evilly, turning to leave, but Masky stays.
"Masky please! Help me! HELP ME!"
He walks over to me slowly, crouching down.
"I would have helped you. But killing Slender. You went too far. Sorry Jeff."
But Masky just ignores me, standing to his feet and leaving through the kitchen, into the forest with LJ.
"Don't worry [Name]! I-Ill go look f-for.. for something to patch you up!"
I go to stand but [Name]'s hand weakly grabs my hoody, pulling me back. Her mouth parting, trying her best to speak.
"I'm here [Name]! I'm here!"
A weak smile forms on her face as a tear dribbles down her cheek. Her hand limply reaching to cup my face. Resting he palm on my cheek.
"I..Love, you.. Jeff.."
The moment those words left her lips, her breathing slowed and her eyes started to close. Her hand started to fall from my face but I quickly grab it and hold it back up.
"No no no! Stay with me [Name]! Stay with me! Come on it's going to be okay! TOBY!! TOBY IF YOU'RE HERE I NEED YOUR HELP! TOOBYYYYY!!!"
I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face. I haven't cried since I was 7 years old. She had such an impact on my life. I loved her and didn't want her to go.
"Don't leave me [Name].. Don't leave me.."
Her eyes continued to close until they were completely shut, breathing her last breath, leaving her body to lay completely still. Her arm falling limp out of my grasp but I would instantly catch it and hold it again.
"[Name].. [Name]! Come on [Name]! You're the one with the power, with the ability! I died and you brought me back! Please come back to me [Name]! Please! PLEASE! p..please.."
I couldn't hold myself together, I was so angry at myself and upset, I couldn't help but snap my head back, screaming and yelling at the top of my lungs. Screaming her [Name] for the world to hear. It echoed through the mansion like it was an empty cave.

Tears still streaming, I slowly lean down and place a soft kiss on her forehead.
"I Love you too.."
I whisper softly, wrapping my arms underneath her and slowly standing to my feet as I hold her in my arms. Just as I do so, Toby comes running down the hallway. Panting heavily.
"I-I heard y-your call! Is everything-"
He stops once he sees [Name] in my arms. Looking up and down to see blood soaking myself and the floor.
"Where were you..."
I growl lowly as I stare at him full of rage.
"J-Jeff I-"
"Where, were you."
I ask once again, to which he sighs, shaking his head.
I scream, to which he flinched and takes a step back.
"J-Jeff I'm s-sorry! I came a-as quick as I c-could!"
I couldn't help but scoff at his words as he tried to make excuses.
"As quick as you could? AS QUICK, AS YOU COULD?! [NAME] IS FUCKING DEAD!"
I snarl, storming past him into the kitchen, making my way towards the forest. I needed to find a good place to burry her. Burry her where we first met.
But just as I reach the door, Toby suddenly grabs my shoulder to stop me.
"Get, off."
"N-No Jeff! I-It's not too late! I-I know how t-to save her!"
I slowly turn around as he let's go of my shoulder, taking a step back and looking him straight in the eye.
"You can.. you can save her?"
"I-I can't.. But S-Slender always h-had different potions. I know h-he has a reviving one! I s-saw it in his office."
"Show me!"
I instantly run to Slenders office, holding [Name] tightly in my arms. Being sure not to drop her.
Toby opens then door to the office and we both rush inside.
"Fucking hell J-Jeff.."
Toby remarks as he spots Slenders melted body that lay on the floor. Ignoring him, I hurry over to the desk, carefully laying [Name] down onto it. Before moving away to look for Slenders potions.
"H-Here! I f-found it!"
Toby yells, rushing over to me, holding both a vile and syringe.
I grab the vile and read the label. It was definitely a reviving potion, but it had a limit. The person could only be dead for 10 minutes for it to work. Any longer and it will fail.
"We've got to hurry!"
Opening the vile, I fill the syringe full of the black liquid, rushing to [Name] and injecting it right into the stab wound of her neck.
I watch as the wound instantly begins to heal, closing over and stopping the blood from leaking. Grabbing her hand, I hold it tightly as I wait for her to wake up.
"Come on [Name].. come on.. I know you're a fighter.. come on.."
I whisper to her as I kiss her hand, holding it to my face, crouching down beside the desk to be closer to her.
"Come on [Name]!"
Toby sighs, walking over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Jeff.. If it h-had worked. S-She would be awake b-by now.."
"No. No it's not true."
"J-Jeff.. I-I'm sorry-"
I yell as I slap Toby's hand off of me, pushing him away before crouching back down to [Name].
"It's not true.. She's a fighter! She will wake up!"
I couldn't help but cry once more. Holding her hand close to me as I lower my head down onto the desk. Soaking my sleeve and the desk with my tears.
"I love you [Name].. I love you so much.. please don't do this to me. Don't leave me.."
I sob, squeezing her hand tightly. But as I do so, I suddenly feel a soft touch to my hair, causing me to lift my head. It was [Name]. Her left hand slowly slides down to cup the right side of my face. Her tired eyes and weak smile gazing back at me.
"I love you too.."
She mutters softly. I couldn't help but lung forward, wrapping my arms around her, lifting her to hold her close. Her arms wrap around my back to hold me close. Her arms weak but it was enough to still feel her touch.
I turn my head to Toby as he begins to walk away. Quietly mouthing a 'Thank you' before turning my full attention on [Name].
"I thought I'd lost you."
I whimper as I hold her close, letting her feel my warmth. But she just chuckles softly, replying in a weak, yet happy voice.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily."

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