Chapter 50

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We finally get to the ICU. It took longer than we had thought, mainly because we had to keep stopping and hiding in closets in order to not be spotted by rushing nurses. Ill admit, hiding in a dark space, cramped up against Jeff, it made me feel so hot and flustered. I really hope he didn't notice...
Once the ICU comes into view, we first play it safe and peek through a window before entering. But, as we look in, we find that it was empty. Not even a patient.
I mumble as we slowly creep inside, looking around the room. It looked like it hadn't been used for a while. All the beds were neatly pulled tight.
"It can't be this room..Are you sure you heard the nurse say ICU?"


"Hello?.. Hey, can you hear me?"
A voice suddenly speaks through a small air vent in the wall. Crawling towards it as I calm my sobs, I lower down, trying to look through it, to see if I could see to the other side.
"Hello? Is there someone there?"
The voice speaks again. It sounded like a girl similar to my age.
"H-Hello?.. Y-Yes, I'm here.. Im [Name]."
"You're there.. Nice to meet you! I'm Sakura."
Me and this girl named Sakura talked together for what seemed like hours. I told her about myself and why I was here. But whenever I asked about her. She either wouldn't answer or would say she doesn't know. Apparently she can't even remember how she got here or how long she's been here.
"He called me a subject.. what does that mean..?"
"It means they'll experiment on you.. [Name], I dont remember much of why I'm here.. but don't let them take you to the ICU..."
"Why not?"
"Um.. I don't know.. it just feels like it's a bad place in my mind.."


My mind flashes back to the first time I ever spoke to Sakura.. But why did my mind flash to that? What does it mean?
"No no! Get off of me! No more please! - You don't have a choice - No! No I'm not going in! - How do you do it? - Get off of me! - I told you I don't know!! - You don't have a choice."
Voices speak over and over in my head. Some of which was my own voice, playing on a loop. I remember that day.. that was the day I lost sight in my left eye..
I gasp in realisation, snapping my head in Jeffs direction. Causing him to give me a confused look.
"I know where it is!"
Running to the door, Jeff suddenly stops me, grabbing my shoulder.
"Wait.. you know where what is?"
"The other ICU. It's not an intensive care uni.. it's a torturing unit."
Jeff signs, knowing what that meant, remembering what I had been through.
He gives a nod, opening the door and peeking his head out the room.
Seeing that the hallways were clear, he steps out signalling for me to follow. Allowing me to give him directions of where to go. He refused to let me lead the way in case we ran into trouble.
Although, it started to become harder to give directions. I knew where the 'ICU' was, but only when coming from my room. So, I decided to direct Jeff to my old room first and then go from there.

"Hey Jeff.. Wait up a second.."
I tell him to stop once my room comes into view. But it wasn't my room I was focusing on. It was Sakura's. I never fully understood what had happened to her or even who she was. I go up to her door, feeling the gap where her number should be.
"What is it?"
Jeff asks as he stands beside me. Looking the door up and down before glancing to me. I couldn't help but sigh.
"You know when I first came to the mansion. I said my name was Sakura.. Well, the real Sakura lives.. Lived.. in here.. The first day I arrived here, she spoke to me through an air vent. She watched over me, warning me of things, making me smile, making me laugh... She was my best friend.. The only thing that kept me sane.. Then, one day, I was taken out of my room for an experiment.. When they dragged me past her door, she had no number plate and her door was covered in yellow police tape.. I didn't understand at first.. but I also forgot the fact that, when I first came here.. her door already had that tape.. I just never put two and two together. I was in such a shock.. I managed to get in her room just before I broke out of this place. Her room was dark and cold, smelling of rot and decay.. Her dead body just, laid there on the bed.. rotting away.. I checked the file on the bed, just to be sure.. But, it was her, Sakura... I managed to glance the birth date and death date before I left.."
I pause, turning to face Jeff as a tear slowly rolls down my face, my voice becoming shaky as my body urges the need to cry.
"She was born in 1989 and died in 1996... She was 7 years old.. The same age I was when I first came here.. her body had been here, all that time.. decaying away.. alone.. I was talking to the ghost of a girl who died when she was just 7 years old.. Her spirit, o-or    s-soul couldn't even remember who she was, why she was there and how she even got there... She never got to live her life.. and now her spirit is trapped in that room.. s-she, she can never, be free.."
I instantly break down into tears. Slumping down against the door, sliding to the floor as I bring my knees to my chest. Crying against my arms. I didn't care at this point if we got spotted by anyone.

Jeff crouches down. Placing his hand on my head, smoothing my hair. I raise my head to which his hand moves down to cradle my cheek.
"[Name], she may not be free. But you are. You need to finish this and survive. Live a free life. Isn't that what Sakura would have wanted?"
I couldn't help but smile as I sniff and sob, using my hand to wipe away the tears.
"You're a real softy aren't you?"
I chuckles a little, my voice croaky after my crying episode. Jeff huffs, standing to his feet, extending his arm to help me to stand.
"Now. Let's go kill these fuckers."

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