Chapter 59

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Reader POV
"Wait Jeff! What's the!-"
I cut myself off, forcing my hand over my mouth to hush my words but to also try and silence my breathing. A loud, ear piercing sound of static starting ringing in my ears as Slender appears in the room. Even while in a chest, the rooms atmosphere dropped to a tense and fearful manner.
"What are you doing in here?"
A voice growls as footsteps approach, seeming to walk around the desk. I could hear Slender sit in his chair, leaning and resting his arms on the desk, locking me inside until he moves.
"I sensed that you had returned. You brought something along with you. Didn't you?"
"Ah that's what I wanted to ask you about! Would I be able to use some of EJ's old tools? Just as a way of practicing torture?"
Jeff replies. I had no idea what he was planning and how he was going to get me out of this.
The weight from Slenders arms is removed from the chest lid, followed by the sound of his chair moving. But I couldn't hear any footsteps. So he must have just leaned back in his chair.
"Who do you think you are? Hm? Kill off members of this mansion. Kill one of my own. Then expect me to allow you to go on without punishment?"
Slender growls. His tone seemed to switch from angry to sarcastic. Or maybe contained both somehow at the same time.
"Slender listen, I know I-"
"NO! You listen to me Boy."
That Static in the room grew louder and seemed more aggressive. The sound of Slender standing and storming over to Jeff could just about be heard.
"Slender please sit down-"
"YOU DO NOT ORDER ME AROUND! Remember who you are talking to Boy. You're lucky you're still alive, standing in my presence."
I took Jeffs words as the signal. Asking someone to sit down is not something Jeff would usually offer or ask someone to do. Carefully lifting the lid, trying my best not to let it creak. I slowly crawl out, hiding behind it and closing the lid quietly. Peaking over the top to see Slenders back facing me as he stands towards Jeff. To which I see Jeffs eyes glance in my direction and soon move back to Slender to not draw attention to me.
I quickly glance around the room, looking for a weapon I can use. This was some kind of office, so he must have something in here at least. But then I spot it. In the shelves was a gleaming dagger. Sharp, pointed silver blade with a beautiful golden handle. Looking for anything else I can use, even checking my pockets, only to feel something hard. Delving my hand into the pocket of my blood smeared overalls. I pull out a vile of hydrofluoric acid. A much more corrosive acid than the one used on Dr Manning, that being hydrochloric acid. This hydrofluoric would eat through flesh in seconds. How did this get in my pocket?
Looking up at Jeff, I see his head nod a tiny amount. He must have put this in somehow. But I don't remember him doing that..
"Im sorry Slender.. I didn't mean to order you around, it's just-"
"Now you listen to me Jeff. What you have done and what you have caused under this roof. It's diabolical. Even for you. Killing your own like they're nothing. You bring shame and disgrace here. You even allowed that human to follow you here, only to then fall in love with her. How careless!"
As Slender angrily yelled at Jeff, I quietly crawl on top of his desk, standing up and focusing my eyes on the knife on the shelves. It's glass casing slowly opens like a door and the knife raises in the air. Slowly making its way over to me.
Grabbing it, I take a deep breath but ensure Slender doesn't hear me. Opening the vile of hydrofluoric acid, I pray that the knife had some sort of power, otherwise the acid will eat right through the blade and I won't be quick enough to use it on Slender.
Wrapping my fingers around the golden handle, I carefully dip the blade into the acid. Luckily, the blade was not corroded and eaten away. The acid didn't even sizzle. So this knife must have some kind of power over it.

"You know what I have to do Jeff. Killing your own is punishable by death."
"Please Slender! Let me prove to you I'm better to you alive! I'll torture that girl I brought back and show you what I can do!"
"I FORBID IT! I've had enough of you answering back!"
Slender wraps his long sharp fingers around Jeffs neck, lifting him high into the air. His tendrils wrapping around his body to stop him wriggling. I had to act fast.
I focus my eyes on the knife and make it move towards Slender, levelling up with his temple. All you can hear is Jeffs sly yet breathless chuckle.
"Th-This is, gonna hurt."
Jeff manages to speak. As he says so, I force the knife to stab right into Slenders skull. He drops Jeff instantly, letting out a shriek so loud that my ears started to bleed. His tendrils were flailing at an insane speed as his static blocked out any other sounds.
He reaches up and grabs the knife, yanking it out and throwing it to the floor. Turning his head, snapping it in my direction. The entire right side of his face was melting away. Blood pouring down as his flesh hangs and sizzles. I could still see the muscle and tissue in his face being eaten away and corroded by the acid.
His voice was evil and distorted. Sending shivers instantly down my spine, making me regret my action.
"YOulL PaY FfoOR THaAaTtt!"
He snarls, lunging forward to which I scream and duck behind the desk, just missing his strike. Crawling quickly across the floor and scurrying to my feet, I stand at the side of the room, directly opposite Jeff. Panting heavily as Slender runs for me. I had to act quick, opening the vile of hydrofluoric acid, I quickly splash it up at him as he leans down to grab me. It soaks his left arm and half of his chest. He staggers back and roars out in agony. The entire room, walls, ceiling and floor shaking as his roar shakes the mansion.
Running past him, I make my way to Jeff, to which he wraps his arms around me, holding me close before leaning back, brushing the hair out of my face, checking me over.
"Are you okay?!"
"I..I think so!"
I reply. But that was only followed but a furious hissing sound, followed by what seemed like the sound of a rattle snake.
Slender turned around with a stumble. His entire left arm was eaten away down to the elbow. You could see his bone on show as his flesh and tissue hangs loosely. His left side all around his rib cage was also corroded and eaten away. His ribs were on show, some of which were starting to corrode themselves, sizzling as the bone is broken away. Chunks of flesh and bone dripping to the floor as he staggers forward. Only to sizzle and die away as it reaches the floor.
"ILL KiIL YOoUu BOtH! A SssSloOwW aND PaAinFuULL DEeaTth!"
He charges at us full speed, his tendrils launching forward. I couldn't help but scream, covering my face and turning away. Too scared to fight. Waiting for the agony to come. But, nothing happens. What followed was the sound of acid eating flesh.
Slowing turning around, Jeff had forced the knife right into Slenders heart. Both blood and acid dribbling down. There must have been some left on the knife from when I first used it. Slenders entire bloody began to melt away and the acid traveled around his body through his blood stream, directly from his heart. He staggers backwards before falling to the floor. The entire mansion shaking once again as his body lands with a loud thud. The entire room stunk of burning flesh and made me want to be sick. The sight wasn't pretty either. Such an awful, horrible and painful death. One I hope I never experience.
"We'd better hurry and get out of here."

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