San Fran Highschool

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I waited at the doors to the school while my friends Jazz and Alice ran up to me. I hated going to high school. The Greek and Roman classes were no help whatsoever. Please, I knew and lived this stuff. The food was less than appetizing, it looked like a brick. At least it had a nice art program and art club.

Jazz reached me before Alice. I suspect the fact she runs track may have helped her win. Jazz has blond hair and dull blue eyes that can appear grey. Alice has short brown hair that reaches her chin and soft chocolate brown eyes.

"Alice and I were planning to go and grab some smoothies after school. Do you want to ask Frank and see if you two can join us?" Jazz said while looking at Alice puffing.

"I would love to, but Frank and I are busy tonight," I said with a sigh. I knew how important the quest was, but I wish I could spend more time with my two mortal friends.

"That's ok. Maby next time?" Jazz said while Alice had just caught up with us.

"What did she say," Alice asked while gulping for air. It was only a few yards, but Alice had asthma.


Alice looked sad, but not surprised. She was used to it by now. We all were.

We turned into the building just as it started raining.

"What is our quiz in Greek and Roman on again?" Alice asked.

I sighed and replied, "Hades and Pluto."

Alice looked at me. "Isn't that the evil god?"

I laughed. "No he's the god of the underworld, the earth and riches. He's not evil, but misunderstood and reclusive."

"Of course you would know that Hazel." The snotty voice of Victoria sounded through the halls.

Victoria was one of the girls who hated me because I was smart and, apparently, a ghost girl. She claimed to be blessed by Aphrodite and was apparently 'pretty and popular'. She had long black hair and piercing green eyes that could bore holes into stone.

I calmly replied, "Of course I know that. I actually pay attention in class." Victoria might be pretty but she was an airhead and a pain in the rear end.

"Your just some nerd who has no fashion sense and hair that looks like a raccoon nest."

I had become accustomed to her comments and just continued down the hall like nothing had happened. I walked to my locker and Alice and Jazz left to theirs. Frank approached me as I was pulling my science binder out.

"Hey Hazel. I was wondering if you would want to go check out the magic signature after school tonight?"

I turned to him while thinking. "The one past Camp Jupiter?"

"Yeah, we need to start somewhere. We only have two reading and one of them is from the camp itself. If she's not there she isn't near us at all. We can cross out our perimeter and alert the others."

"Sure I'd love to. Meet me after school, in the alley behind Penny's. I'll call Arion."

"That works perfectly. See you then." He kissed me gently on the cheek before giving me a grin and walking away.

I turned and made my way to Greek and Roman class while joining up with Alice.

"One week into school and we already getting a important quiz. How am I supposed to be ready?" Alice stated with a slight tremble to her voice.

"It's life. The gods are real and we can't just learn as we go. We need to know this stuff." I knew I was being a little harsh, but I also knew I was right. The world was full of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. We needed to know this in order to survive.

"I know, but this is so hard. Five months ago my biggest worry was finals. Now I have to worry about Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, not to mention monsters, on top of this."

I nodded. "We can only do our best. When life gives you lemons though, am I right?"

"Yeah, I just hope I pass their test. Mrs. Peters gives really hard tests."

Mrs. Peters did give really hard tests, but thankfully I knew this stuff like the back of my hand.

The bell rang signaling the start of class. Alice and I made our way to our desks and sat down.

Mrs. Peters immediately started telling us the rules. "There will be no talking or cheating of any kind. If I hear you say anything you will be given a zero. You have all hour to finish the test. You may begin as soon as you have the test."

She started handing out the tests and Alice made eye contact with me. I gave her a reassuring thumbs up before looking ahead.

When the test arrived I looked down and smiled. It was focused on Hades, not Pluto, but I still new most, if not all, of the answers.

1. What is the Roman form of Hades?

2. Who is the bride of Hades?

3. What is one of Hades' sacred animal?
Screech Owl

4. What is Hades' renown object?
Helm of Darkness

5. Who is Hades' father?

6. What does Hades represent?
The underworld, jewels, riches, the earth, etc.

7. Who are the siblings of Hades?
Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Hestia, & Demeter

8. Who is Hades' second in command?

9. What does Hades' sacred object do?
The Helm Of Darkness turns Hades invisible, because 'death is invisible.'

10. What is the pet of Hades?
Celebreus, the three-headed dog who guards the gates to the underworld.

I finished before everyone else and took my test to the front. I was confident I had done well, one-hundred percent.
I doodled a picture of Arion for the rest of class and when the bell rand I made my way into the hall.

"Hazel," Alice called from behind, "How did you finish that fast?"

"I knew the answers," I relied simply.

"But they were so hard." Alice seemed dumbfounded by that fact I knew what I was doing.

I just shrugged.

Alice started to fret. " I should have know the answer the the object. I panicked! I wish I could be as good at Greek and Roman as you!"

I looked at her with a sympathetic smile. "The Helm of Darkness turns him invisible. It's not widely know. I don't blame you for forgetting or not knowing in the first place." I mentally thanked Annabeth for sharing that story.

Alice looked at me shyly. "I really do envy you. It's amazing you know than."

I shrugged once again as we parted ways. I still had the rest of the school day and it wouldn't be as easy of the first class.

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