Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

I stood to the side, my arms crossed over as I watched everyone celebrate the victory that we had. Master had returned, defeating the Phantoms guild Master, Jose. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and everyone else returned a little banged up but also okay.

Erza had been the one that told us of what happened.

A hand fall on my shoulder as I looked to see Red. My heart clenched as I observed him.

"I lost." I said, wondering what that meant. "I failed again."

Red nodded, pulling me into a hug. Why couldn't this male decide if he wanted to be my friend or foe. Why did he have to be so confusing.

We had won the fight but at what costs? I lost a friend who protected me since we were children.

I couldn't prove just how strong I was, only instead realized just how much more training I would have to do to catch up to everyone else. I felt like I had failed my guild altogether.

I also knew another decision would be coming towards me. One where I would have to pick between him and my guild. Who would I choose?

"Release her." A voice from behind me demanded. "Get your filthy phantom hands off of Beau." Gray continued, still half naked.

Red released me, taking a step back. "You won this fight." He said, looking down at me. "You should be happy."

"I said don't touch her!" Gray shouted, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me backwards.

Why was the ice mage doing this? Couldn't he have just ignored us.

"Stop Gray." I said, resting my hand on his shoulder. "He's not an enemy."

Gray spin around to face me. "He attacked you, gave you a deep wound that almost killed you! He joined the guild that wanted to take Lucy away, and even helped destroy our guild hall! Of course he's our enemy." I knew his words to be right.

Of course Red had helped with all of that but there had to be a reason.

"And!? We fought them as well. We destroyed theirs as well! What does that make us!" I shouted back, taking a step away from him.

"He almost killed you by drowning you!" Cana shouted.

I turned, placing myself between Red and the others. Was this the decision that I was making. Was I picking someone who betrayed me over everyone else? Was he worth it?

"But he didn't!" I shouted back. "If he wanted to don't you realize he had countless times to do it. He's just as strong as Erza! Do you really think I was a match for him!"

Gray expression harden at the compression. "Erza would never betray a friend." He snapped, daring me to argue.

Neither would Red, or Meko. I couldn't believe that they really would without a reason behind it. A good reason.

"Neither would he!" But I knew that it had been a lie because he did. "Neither would he..." I turned my head to look at him.

"Stop, all of you." Erza said, speaking up. "Right now we won. Lets not spoil this moment."

I smirked, glad that Erza had jumped in. "Great, now that's settle, who wants to fight!" I shouted, throwing a hand into the air.

"Idiot! We've been doing that!" Gray shouted, hitting my head.

"Ow! Abuse! I call abuse!"

"Don't go saying stupid things!"

"Says the male stripper!"

"I'm not a stripper!"

"Whatever you say, Princess!"

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