Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

I rested my head against the train window watching as the scenery go by while trying not to vomit. Natsu groaned from the seat across from me, with Happy laughing at the two of us. I watched as the train slowed to a stop out side of a small wooden platform.

Standing up I reached out and grabbed the seat to steady myself. "Hurry up." I mumbled, feeling weak to my stomach.

"Natsu, the trained stop!" Happy said, his wings appearing as I grabbed both mine and Natsu bags before heading to the door. "Natsu!"

I stepped off first, glancing around with a slight frown. The client had agreed to meet us here instead of in town. Yet it was empty expect for the one other person that stepped off the train with me.

"Never again." Natsu groaned, stumbling onto the platform.

I chuckled, throwing him his bag. "You should take medicine. It'll help you." I said, watching with slight amusement. "Let's get going before the sun sets, Princess. The client isn't here so that means we have to go meet them in town."

Natsu tugged behind me at a much slower pace as I left the platform. Happy flew in the air beside me as we walked down the dirt path in silence.

There was suppose to be a gang around here bothering the town and it was up to me and Natsu to get rid of them. The client wanted them caught, turned in, and then the damaged repaired. Of course I planned on leaving the last part to Natsu while still calming half the Jewels and ditching him.

A familiar smell drifted in the air causing me to stop. There was no way that he was here. He couldn't be.

"Beau?" Happy called out to me.

I moved, grabbing Happy as the spot he was floating exploded. Natsu moved as the next attack was aimed at him, landing next to me.

"Show yourselves!" Natsu shouted.

And show themselves they did. We were surrounded by a group of people, all dressed differently with different weapons on them. I grinned, releasing Happy and cracked my knuckles.

"There's two of them."

"I thought it was only suppose to be one?"

"Do they want her or him?"

I tilted my weight onto my heels. "I want that half." I said, tilting my head to the half behind us. "They look stronger."

"I'm all fired up!"

"Ahoo! It's time to fight!"

Grinning, I kicked off and towards the half I wanted to take down. Flames enveloped my fist as I slammed it into one of their faces, knocking them backwards. Cries escaped from behind me telling me that Natsu hadn't wasted any time himself.

As I turned to get another two more appeared, knocking me backwards. My grin widen as my blood finally started to get pumped. This was turning out to be more fun then I first thought it would.

Turning I spotted someone making an attempt to sneak up on Natsu without the flame brain noticing. This was why I didn't want to take the job request with him. He just doesn't pay attention.

"Flame Head!" I ducked, the ax missing me.

Taking in a deep breath of air, my lungs swelled up with the fire that I had within me. Moving my hands I helped fennel my attack as it came out in one great fall of fire and towards the enemies. They screamed in pain as they got blasted away from me and backwards.

More took the places of the ones that I blasted away.

"Do they never end?" I mumbled, diving in once again.

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