Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

I was surrounded by darkness but I knew there wasn't anything to be afraid of in it. Nothing out there could defeat me, or make me fear it. Nothing would take that emotion and have control of it.

"I told you to run."

Whipping around, I tried to find where the voice came from.

"I didn't want to hurt you."

I didn't sense anyone with me. I was alone in this darkness.

"You never listen."

Tears filled my eyes.

"It's your fault, Beau. Your fault for being weaker than me. Your fault for allowing emotions to have control."

My hands covered my ears as I continued to search for him.

"Your fault your guild was destroyed! You should've stopped me, Beau! You should've proven to me just how strong you had gotten!"

Stop! No sound came out of my mouth. Stop!

I woke with a start, sitting up from the spot I had been resting at. I looked around noticing that everyone was once again building the guild. A small smile appeared on my face as I watched them work.

Natsu stood with more logs then he could handle before they collapsed on top of him.

Mirajane was walking around and giving drinks to everyone who was working.

Gray at the moment was acting like the more normal one of the two and carried only one log.

"That's what you get for carrying too much, you moron." He said, walking past Natsu.

I chuckled, watching them.

"What did you just call me!" Natsu shouted, throwing the lumber off of him.

I sighed, knowing that they wouldn't be getting much work done at that moment. How we were making any progress with the time of them was a mystery to me.

"You got a problem."

"Ya, I got a problem with your face!"

Moving, I touched the scarf that I wore around my neck before getting back to work myself. I grabbed one of the logs that Natsu had knocked off of him and started towards another pile.

Erza soon joined me after teaching Natsu and Gray a lesson. The work was slow but we were getting through it. I placed my piece back down before joining the group that wasn't doing anything once again.

At least it seemed like I was helping.

"We're expanding," Mirajane said, grabbing my attention.

So Master decided to make the place bigger. Make's sense with all the over ego people in the guild. I looked to see the image that she was holding.

I wasn't the only one to want a look. Natsu and Gray joined me as well.

"Man these are the worse plans ever. What idiot came up with them?"

Mirajane started crying because of Grays harsh comment. I turned, giving him a glare before punching him in the shoulder.

"You made her cry!" I growled.

He looked guilty and like he had regretted the words. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. It's great Mirajane, really." Anyone with half a brain would know that he was lying.

I rolled my eyes before leading Mirajane away.

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