Just drive

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Human au
Felt like that song just fit idk


Connor shot up from his car seat and looked in the mirror, You, Markus, and Kara were running towards the car after a deal gone wrong.

No not selling drugs, but selling fake iPhones and other cool "futuristic" trinkets? Good cash right there. And you guys are good in the STEM field AND can also build stuff from scratch? Yea it's a hecking crime my dude

Except for tonight when someone pointed out the clever forgery of an iPhone and the obviously fake light cycle from Tron ("what a bunch of nerds." Connor first says when he sees the order)

Wasn't too obvious to them in the beginning but then someone pointed out it didn't "glow" like in the movie.

(because SOMEONE *cOUGH* CONNOR *CoUgh* accidentally cracked the blue glow sticks and the glow sticks ran out of juice before the delivery time)

You guys already got their cash...

Yea the gang wasn't too happy about some teenagers out-smarting them and taking their money.

"START THE FUCKING CAR CONNOR!!" You opened the front passenger seat while Kara got into the back and Markus just kinda jumped through the window but got stuck "GO NOW!" "I-I CAN'T THE CAR WON'T START!" Connor shouted "FUCKING GO RIGHT NOW!" Markus screamed in a high pitched voice.

"THEY'RE GETTING CLOSER!" Kara looked behind while you and Connor were trying to remain calm "oKAY WE GOT IT!" the car started up.

"jUST DRIVE!!!!" Markus finally got unstuck from the window and Connor slammed the pedal to the floor. "They're behind us in cars guys!" "Damn they won't leave us alone?" You look in the rear view mirror to see the gang who wanted the stupid phones and lame nerd motorcycle.

"Good thing I broke the motorcycle last night." Everyone looks at you "You what (Y/n)?" "Yea I was fixing a gear because it looked dumb and well that gear went to the motor and well," "well what?" "It wouldn't go back in so I replaced it with a small cardboard cutout."

"Are you serious?" Connor look at you in disbelief  "that tiny thing could've costed you your life." "But it didn't." "Well sorry to be a bother but um they're still after us." You look and lo and behold the gang was still after you.

"Where's the main highway?" "Uhhh 7 miles out." "Something closer?" Connor looked at you and back to the road "I don't know man we're on a dirt road-" "sOMETHING CLOSER??" "NEAREST ACTUAL ROAD IS  1 MILE AWAY!" "THEY'RE STILL BEHIND US!" Kara yells.

"GUN GET DOWN!" Markus shouts and Kara ducks while you and Connor lower your heads, gunshots can be heard and you see the back window break "Shooting at teens? that's illegal." "Well it appears they don't care about laws (Y/n)."

The dirt road is bumpy yet gets the adrenaline pumping. Maybe it's because you did something illegal or just because of the cool midnight car chase going down but you feel alive.

Right here with Connor and your friends, all of which are really good at things like math and science, it's fun. Maybe after this if you survive you should tell Connor about how you feel.

High school is almost over and no one plans on staying in Detroit forever. Maybe you and Connor might go to the same university.

You blink back to reality to see everyone not freaking out and just hoping that Connor's good driving will get them out of this mess. "They stopped shooting and well the gang's just been chasing after us for a bit." Kara tells you and an idea pops into your head

"Throw this at them." You hand her a fake phone "You wanted a phone? You get a phone!" You hear something break and tires screeching "one car down." "wHAT?" "SPEED BUMP!" Connor warns everyone.

You feel the car go through the air and everything turns into slow motion. You and Connor share a smile before looking back at the road "ROAD THERE!" "COP CAR THERE!" "Oh well." Connor mutters before speeding towards the road.

"We lost the other car." Everyone sighs in relief and Connor starts to drive at the speed limit "Never again." You say and everyone nods. "I'm just annoyed I gotta replace the back window." "It's not even your car." Markus and Kara bickered back and forth.

while you intertwined your fingers with Connor's and he smiled. "Ohhhh my god he smiled." You think and you slowly smile too.

"Now we can try selling drugs."

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