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Requested by @fullmetal_yeemo_kid

Fourth of July
Sucks ass honestly

If it's not the wild people racing cars down the street drunk as fuck.
It's the damn fireworks that blast off well until morning.

This was Connor's first Fourth of July

And boy you weren't prepared.

You were sitting on the couch reading a book while Connor was just chilling somewhere, kinda like a cat.

You saw a streak of light go upwards toward the sky from your apartment balcony window, of course you thought nothing of it.

But when the firework exploded and you saw the bright lights going in all directions you heard something running towards you.


You yell as your tackled to the ground "Jesus Connor what's wrong??" "I heard a gunshot." "What gunshot..... oh." You start to laugh.
"What's funny (Y/n)?" You get off of the ground and help him up "It's not a gunshot silly. It's a firework."

You see his LED turn yellow "a What?" "A firework? The small rocket that goes up into the sky and makes a," you point to the window as a firework goes off into the sky "A bright explosion." His eyes light up.

"They're pretty." Connor sits in front of the window and watches them. "Fuck it." You put your book down and sit next to him.

"Let's watch these together then." He places an arm around you and you lean onto him.
Watching those fucking fireworks shoot off into the sky.

Short but sweet I'd like to believe

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