An android's guide to the galaxy

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In which a lonely detective befriends a carefree astronomer

Connor sat on top of the roof of his apartment building, looking up at the stars and down at the people still wandering around. Some had friends to hang out with, dates to go on, parties to go to. He hated it.

How can they be happy when the entire world is on fire? He lights a cigarette, it won't kill him anyways.

He looks back on his day: He visited Hank, made sure Sumo was comfortable before going to work (He's an old boy now), went to work at the Detroit police department, worked on a few cases, got coffee with Gavin (He's pretty chill now but his mood switches).

The android sighs and lightly touches the place where an LED once sat. It's been some time since he got rid of it, Hank persisted with the removal of the thing saying Connor would look more human if he got rid of it.

Of course he did get rid of it and threw it into the trash. Connor slept now, had his own apartment, payed bills, sometimes ate, sometimes drank, dressed in normal attire, took trips out of Detroit to visit some of his friends (Markus, Kara, etc)

He was living his best life.

But there was an emotion he couldn't comprehend.

It wasn't sadness but something else.


It was loneliness

Connor chuckles at this new revelation, of course. He was lonely.

Another sigh sends smoke into the air

He looks around and his eyes land on another person, you.

How had he not noticed you before? Was he that lost in thought?

Connor checks his watch, 1:30 am

He looks at you again and sees you looking at the night sky holding a telescope with papers and a pencil on the ground. You smile as you quickly write down something and continue to look through the little spyglass.

He could quickly do a lookup of you and know about your life but that seems like an invasion of privacy and he doesn't want to leave for fear of disturbing you. He's nervous.

Maybe if Connor just scoots a little closer to you he can know your name, that seems weird never mind. Connor thinks and heat rises to his cheeks, a light blue hue visible on them. How about he just gets up and leaves? Yea that sounds like a good-

"Is everything alright?"

Oh shit

You look stunning in the moonlight

Oh shit

"Uhhh." Connor is dumbfounded. What does he do? You smile softly at the handsome stranger in front of you, brown hair unkempt and a little curly, his white dress shirt wrinkled, black tie undone, dress pants seem to  have ash stains on it.

He's cute

"Uh I'm fine. Thanks." Connor inwardly cringes at how he sounds, too standoffish. He hopes he doesn't scare you away. Connor hasn't interacted with people like this.

"If you want you can hang out with me here I'm just getting some work done." He happily accepts that invitation.

Connor looks more closely at the papers scattered about, star charts and positions of the planets, information on star and planets, math equations.

"I'm an astronomer if you haven't already guessed." You lightly laugh at how this man looks whenever he's trying to piece a puzzle together, like a detective.

Connor still doesn't know how to respond, your laugh is beautiful and catches him off guard, your love for your profession is radiating off of you.

Oh my god he's in love

"I- yea I guess." He scratches the back of his neck. "And I'm gonna guess you're a detective." "Yep that's me." He awkwardly smiles and does the finger gun thing at you. Some would think it's weird. You think it's adorable.

"Gonna tell me your name?" You place the telescope to the side and write something down "Connor Anderson." He holds out his hand "(Y/n) (L/n)." You shake it.

He has to tell you he's an android though. Connor thinks of a way to let it out easy. You must think he's this charming human being. He would hate to lead you on like that.

"I'm an-" "Android? Knew that already." "How'd you know?" "Well if the tint of your cheeks didn't give it away then it's probably your mannerisms." You gently touch his cheek "Light blue. Cute." You see the colour gradually darken in shade.

"So what're you doing out here on this rooftop Connor? Almost no one in this building goes up here." "How do you know that no one goes up here?" "Because I'm usually up here. Making new constellations, looking at planets, designing new spacecrafts, etc."

"Well I needed some time to think." "Got a lot on your plate?" "Yea." "Is it work?" "Work and social life if you must know." He lights another cigarette. "Work's been on my ass, I've been trying to do overtime but I get tired." He rants.

"Nolite te bastardes carborundorum."
"What?" You look at him through your glass "Don't let the bastards grind you down. Margaret Atwood. Handmaid's Tale. Good book." You place down the glass and continue writing "People in this day and age read actual books?" "No shit Sherlock. Sure they came out with tablets and things but books," you wag your pencil at him "books are timeless things."

"And books will always be here unless something like Fahrenheit 451 happens then books'll still be here." You smile.

Real pretty

Connor is smitten.

You check your watch "It's 3:45 am and I'm pretty tired at the moment so," you gather your things "Bonne nuit Connor." You start walking towards the stairwell door. "Wait a minute!" You turn "Yea?" "You free tomorrow?" Connor can't lose this chance to be happy "Yea! A planetarium just opened up!" "I'll pick you up at 10?" "Apartment numbed 102!" You shout back "See you tomorrow Connor." You open the door and walk down the stairs.

Connor laughs and puts out his cigarette.

His universe just got a little more exciting.

That was a long boi
May possibly turn into a series
Or another individual book

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