Take me to church

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In a world where a relationship between a human and android is deemed somewhat wrong.
This song would top the charts I feel.
My homecoming sucked honestly also.

My lover's got humour, she's the giggle at a funeral.

Connor watched you from afar, talking to the other detectives and officers. You were always good at that.

Even if the day was dreary and rainy, you always made it the best day Connor's ever waken up to. The warm coffee you bring him (even after he's said he can't drink) the baked goods you make in your small kitchen (Connor can't eat sadly but hank does appreciate it when you bring some over)

You look over at Connor and give him a soft smile and continue on with your conversation for a bit. You decide the android has probably had enough of this party and so have you so you politely excuse yourself and walk over to Connor. "Ready to leave?" "Yes actually." You smile and start walking toward the door.

You both continue the friendly conversation until finally you're both outside "That party was such a bore." You smile and cling onto his arm. "Yea but now we can go home." Keeping a relationship secret wasn't very easy. Keeping a relationship with an android secret, definitely wasn't easy.

Sure they're being recognized as a intelligent being and practically human, there are those people who believe otherwise. (Some even think they're the devil spawn) you laugh at a joke Connor was saying until you hear yelling, a protest is near. Against androids.

"Let's take the other sidewalk." You pull Connor towards the other side of the street. "We could've gone through that crowd." He keeps pace with your steps "I know but. They scare me." You admit "We'll be fine (Y/n)." Connor smiles "Of course." You smile back and continue your walk back home.


"Are you sure you don't want to meet him? He's very dashing, and very rich." You roll your eyes and place your teacup down "No mom. I'm perfectly fine without a husband or boyfriend." You turn to Connor who's in the kitchen, washing dishes.

You hated that you both had to pretend that he was just a household android, tasked with doing work. "I'm quite surprised you found an android that hasn't deviated." Your dad says in a condescending manner.

"The dishes are done ma'am." You look at Connor and smile "Thank you Connor, can you please do the laundry also?" You give a playful wink, making sure your parents don't catch it. "Right away." You know he'll get you back for this in the end.

"Well you'll be an old woman and I'll be dead by the time you want to have children. I suggest you have them now." You groan "I have a job right now Mom I can't just quit that." She sighs "Alright dear." Your parents get up and walk out the door, saying their goodbyes and leaving you at the door, waving to them.

"That hurt." You plop down onto the couch, Connor following suit "You owe me." "What'd I do?" "Making me do all the work." "You barely do chores nowadays." You look at him "I'll show you how much I work then ma'am." "Oh boy here we go!" You and Connor laugh.


You wait for Connor to get home.
It's been quite a while since he's gone to work.
You've tried calling but he won't pick up or answer any of your texts "where is he?" You say to no one in particular.

You sigh and grab your coat and head out into the cold night air.

"Connor?" You call out "Connor where-" You hear something move in the alleyway making you jump "Who's there?" You walk slowly towards the noise "(Y/n)?" You recognize the voice and immediately run towards him "Connor what happened?" "I got jumped."

He coughs and you pull him onto your lap "You're gonna be okay." You look at his wounds "A hospital can't really fix this (Y/n)." You look around and panic "Why'd they jump you?" You ask another question, hoping he'll still respond while you tend to his injuries "Can't love another human being, that's what they told me." You shake your head.

"You love me absolutely fine." You reassure him "Really?" "Yes of course, don't ever question yourself about that." Connor smiles "That's good."

"You'll be okay."
You breathe out
"You're gonna be fine."

I somehow have like an A in orchestra when I fall asleep in that class almost all the time (I'm sorry but classical music makes me super sleepy) and like all the other classes I try hard in I suck.

But calculating the decaying series in chemistry is hella easy apparently (I'll say that and soon it won't be lmao)

Homecoming sucked for me honestly, like it was good the first hour then everyone left.

Like they had a mosh pit and it got super warm inside the gym and no fans were on or anything and there weren't any drinks except for a warm water bottle that costed $1.

Tickets were $15 and I'm like wtf?
That's expensive???
Idk maybe it's not but that's just me.

I've been retaking tests and quizzes like I'm on a roll (and then I'll fail the retakes)

And then I got projects due and shit like

That's how my life is going rn
How's y'alls going

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