Chapter 1

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3rd person pov

"Bella!" Alice calls out to the pale girl. "Happy birthday!" she said with excitement. Bella quickly tried to get her to lower her voice, not wanting everyone to hear. Alice sucked her lips in in a apologizing way. Bella then felt a pair of chilling hands slide around her arm; she knew the cold feeling.

"Happy birthday Bell's" Destin whispered. Bella grinned at how well her best friend knew her. She threw her arm around her and crinkled her nose along with a sweet laugh.
Alive pushed a box toward Bella

"Alice didn't I say no gifts?" Bella asked with a small smile.

"You did. I didn't. I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it" Alice sing songed Bella's way.

"Your gonna wear it to your party tonight" Destin told her with a squeeze of her arm.

"My party?" Bella questioned with a eyebrow raised

"Don't worry, vip only" Destin smirk. Little flirt

"See you at seven!" Alice smiled before latching onto Destin's hand pulling her along as Jasper dragged behind them.

"Jasper! no fair with the mood control thing" Bella said. The two sisters that stood close to The texas blonde boy who stiffed a laugh.

"Sorry Bella,Happy...." he trailed off, "Never mind"

"Vampires... you can't trust them" Edward said making the two mates laugh

Lights began to glow from the inside of the beautiful Cullen house hold.

"The Volturi is a very old, very powerful family" Edward told Bella once he saw her looking at the picture of the cult. "The closest thing my world has to royalty"
Bella's eyes caught sight of two familiar faces.

"Is that Carlisle and Destin?" Bella asked her boyfriend. He nodded

"Destin was apart of it for a while and Carlisle lived with them, they both described them as very refined—for killers." he told her remember the moment his younger sister and father told him those exact words. 
Destin sat in a chair along side of Jane; Who was her best friend at the time. She held hands with who she thought was her souls mate; Alec. She was far from wrong though. With Destin's eyes glowing bright red; she stood up following Aro  and Filex toward the human who cried for help. But this young human knew to much, she knew all there is to know about vampires. And that was a law, no one can know about them or they should be killed.
"My sweet Destin" Aro pushes her hair out the way and motions toward the human below them, "Do the honers?" Aro questioned and with a smirk she pushed back her cape and bend down to be on the same level as the crying human

"Don't worry little bird... this will only take a second" And after the words left her mouth, she sunk her teeth into her draining her dry. Aro smiled. Jane held her best friends hand and Alec wrapped his arm around his 'mate' . They all smiled
"It's done" she added in. Carlisle watched from the back ground.

(Back to present time)

"What made her change?" Bella asked, unawear Destin was behind the wall lissening to Edward tell that story. She looked broken once again. That's something she thinks about ever day. She can't stop even tho she tried. Aro was the closest thing she had to a father, Felix like a brother, Jane was her best friend that was more of a sister and Alec was her beautiful soul mate, or she thought at the time. Mabye she should have know soulmates aren't abusive and don't rape you. She shuddered at the thought.

"One day Carlisle found her weeping and upset. He could tell what had happened by the way her stone skin was cracked in many places and she sobbed in the corner with barley anything on. Alec Aro and Felix held her down and did things anyone can't even imagine being put through. She was nearly dead due to the stone, but she knew if she did anything to get them off she'd be killed in less then a heartbeat. Carlisle told her that they could escape this and that's what they did. After that the two of them went off too find the rest of us." Edward told Bella, once he looked over he noticed a few stray tears running down her face.

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