Chapter 4

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3rd person

Laughter was heard through out the Cullen house hold. In the bedroom in the king size bed Embry Call and Destin Cullen sat laughing and talking. Destin was leaning against the head board and Embry was sitting across from her leaning back, his hands supporting him from laying completely down.

"I don't get it really, he just out of no where started yelling random words at you. And that's how you guys became best friends?" Destin asked between laughs.


They laughed more and more.

"So how's you meet your best friend?" Embry asked her, he tilted his head and bit too get a better look at her. God she was so beautiful. He could look at her all day and never get sick of it.

"I ran into Bella while she was staring at my brother" She told him. He raised his eyebrows

"That must have been pretty weird at the time right?" He asked her. He sat straight up now with his hands in his lap. They where looking into each other's eyes but neither where about to lean in.

"Still is"

"Okay it's your turn to ask a question now" Embry told her, he moved so he sat next to her. She leaned on him a little

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"What! no! no no no, no, it's just me" He told her. He became a little frantic, he didn't won't get thinking he had another girl.

"Okay" She smile and threw her hands up in surrender, "Your turn"

"Have you ever done anything with anyone before?" he asked her shyly. She leaned her head on his shoulder. He smiled at this.

"like what?" she asked but she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Like stuff you wouldn't won't to admit out loud, bedroom stuff" he said. His face was red by now. He wasn't asking because he wanted her in those moments. He was asking because he couldn't picture himself doing anything with anyone else. She sighed



"About a year ago"

"Do you regret it" he was now leaning his on top of hers has she lissened to his heart and he lissened to her voice

"I don't think it's that I regret it I think it's just not worth it unless you've with someone you will spend the rest of your life with" She told him, he thought it over. He wanted to spend his life with her, no matter if anyone else came around, it will always be her.

"Did you think you'd spend the rest of your life with him?" He asked her. She closed her eyes. She was some what hurt because she did indeed have a feeling she would be spending the rest of her life with Jacob.

"Yeah I did. But he's really in love with someone else. He always has been in love with this girl. I don't blame him though. She's a lot better looking then I am" She told him leaning closer into his body. He wrapped a arm around her and pulled her closer to him. Destin wrapped her arms around his torso and held her head on his chest. He looked down at her profile

"I find that hard to believe"

"How come?"

"Because your the more beautiful person i've ever seen" He let the sentence slip out, he didn't mean too and he prayed she didn't think he had feelings for her because he figured she didn't feel the same. Destin noticed his free hand laying her to her so she grabbed it and gave a small squeeze.

"Thanks em" She nuzzled her head further into his chest. He ran his hand up and down the small skin he could feel, not in a sexual way, just a loving and comforting way.

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