prolouge? can i even call it that?

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*this chapters a fucking mess and it's all over the place oof*

The very next summer David was eagerly waiting to see her but she never got off the bus.
Once Max was sixteen he applied to be a councilor at camp. Each year he kept hoping (y/n) would decide to join.
She never did.
She couldn't face her past.
She couldn't face him.
You would think a girl could get over a boy faster.
Well she does, eventually...

b e e p
"Agh iM LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I got out of bed rushing to find an outfit.
That's I when I stopped and remembered something. "Oh wait I'm twenty two I don't go to school anymore."
I brushed off the thought of high school away and went back to bed. Then I shot right back up. "BUT IM THE LIBRARIAN!"
Fumbling out of bed again, I searched for some clean clothes. Which was kinda hard when they were all over my floor. I rushed to the door and shoved my keys into my car, speeding down to school.


"Ms. (L/n) this is the fifth time you've come in late. You know our policy-"
"Please just extend it, I'm still new to this whole working thing."
"This is the fourth time we've extended our policy for you. *insert school name* is a respectable school with respectable staff. You aren't setting yourself up as a good model for the children."
"Who said this was about the kids? I just need money, Hell, I live in my moms basement! I need this job."
"I'm sorry (y/n) but your fired"
"But the school year is almost over just let me work here until it ends!" I pleaded.
"Go home (y/n)"


"Well fuck now what are you supposed to do?" My friend asked. "I don't know that's why I called you to meet me here, so we could think of ideas."
That is Efrain one of my best friends ever. I've known him ever since the sixth grade. He was getting bullied for being gay but I stepped in and defended him.
"Wait what about that camp you went to!"
"What about it?"
"Didn't you tell me awhile back that Cameron gave it to you? Doesn't that mean you still technically have a job?"
"Well no, I gave it to David remember?" I paused to think about what he told me that night. "But he did say I was guaranteed a job if I ever needed it! You're a genius Efrain."
"I know, now what are you waiting for? Go get that job girl!"


I pulled up into the camp, and noticed a tall boi running around, trying to take down activities? "Uhm excuse me?"
"The camp's closed please leave..." he said solemnly. I was shocked, what could have possible happened that made people loose interest?
"Why exactly is it being closed?"
"Not only are we understaffed but people don't want to experience the great outdoors anymore. They'd rather stare at their little screens and do nothing all summer."
He was still running back and forth and hadn't seen my face yet.
"Well I think I can help solve one of those issues!"
"Please do tell!"
"I'd like to apply for a job!" I stepped into view and his face lit up when he noticed who it was. "(Y/n)! So great to see you. But why come now?" I explained my situation to David and reminded him about what he said.
"Well of course you can work here but if we don't get any campers we're both gonna be jobless."
"Oh I can solve that problem too"
"You can?"

*insert montage of (y/n) talking up the camp to strangers outside of grocery stores*

"By golly these are the most sign ups we've ever had! What did you tell them?"
"Oh nothing really, just about all the fun I had here as a camper you know shit like that."
Well that wasn't actually the case...

"Please ma'am my uncle is dying slowly and all he wants to do is see kids enjoying his camp like he did back in his days. Would it be that much to ask?"

"Hey (y/n)?" I looked up at the beanpole
"Glad to have you back kiddo."
"Hey I'm twenty two so I ain't no kid anymore." I joked. "But, me too"

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