shared filter

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*quick a/n but this is the second half of a filter in CiciCasanova 's book. we both had the idea 'what would happen if both of our (y/n's) met?' so after a brainstorm we came up with this! hope you enjoy it. also if you don't read her part first you're gonna be really effing confused or maybe not but check it out anyways. oh to differentiate them captial Y/N is mine and lowercase y/n is hers. and another thing Y/N is fifteen just like in the first book but I'll stop talking now*

"I'm telling you Neil your 'portal to another dimension' is not going to work." I told my smart but idiotic friend. "Oh on the contrary (Y/N). It has been proven that there are divergent magnitudes on our quantum universal spectrum there is just no way of transporting to them."
All three of us stared at him very confused. "English Neil." Max barked. "It means there are different universes but we have no way of getting to them, till now!"
I scoffed then shooed him away. "Bullshit." Nikki nodded, "Yeah I agree with her. A majority of your experiments always tend to fail, sorry."
"I'll prove you wrong!" He was about to push a button when something- no someone came flying out. "What the hell Neil I told you not to experiment this on me without consent!" The girl looked up at us, "Hi?"
"HAHA YES IT WORKED SCREW YOU GUYS!!" Neil kept jumping up and down, cheering with glee. "Holy fuck." Max said almost impressed. I started to walk up to her but was stopped by Nikki. "Y/N don't she could be some sort of alien being!" I brushed off her comment and knelt down to the girl.
"Hi I'm Y/N you are?"
"My name is also y/n...."
"Oh cool we have the same name!" I looked to Neil, "This doesn't prove anything. I bet you just got Harrison to do some magic junk..." Neil looked very clearly offended. His face started turning red, "I WOULD NEVER eVEr GO TO HARRISON HOW DARE YOU!" Max and I laughing at how his anger caused his voice to crack.
"Alright y/n how much did Neil pay you to pretend to pop out of his dumb experiment?" Max asked.
"Neil didn't pay me we, I was just helping him with something and next thing I knew he plopped me into the universe whatever thing and now I'm here?"
"How? Neil didn't even leave our side the whole day. Unless he's got a clone!" Nikki commented. "I don't have a clone, but I should work on that." He pulled out a notepad and wrote stuff down. "Wait wait, how the fuck could it even work if Neil never fucking turned it on?" Max asked y/n. "How the fuck am I supposed to know?" She responded. "Well you did come flying out of it." I responded.
"Can you send me back?"
"Not a problem." Neil said, we all turned around but the machine was broken. "Ok this isn't good but it can be fixed!" He looked nervous and sweaty. "This might take some time, ya know for plot."


"Ok so you're other universe me and you're Max?" y/n said pointing at the two of us. Nikki got distracted and ran off to chase a raccoon. "Yup basically." I responded.
"This is so weird. It's like I know you but don't at the same time."
"Hey if you're y/n does that mean you have a thing with other universe me~." Max teased. Immediately she became flustered, "W-what, no pShH. Not at all why would I? He is the actual worst... no offense."
"Eh none taken I know I'm the worst, but that's what make me great." He smiled and winked at me. I shoved him in the arm, "Shut up you dork!"


Soon enough Max got bored, leaving me an y/n alone together. "Soooo...." I said trying to start a conversation. "Going back to that whole 'Max' topic, are you dating him?" I asked cause I was very curious to know.
"Yeah? Kinda? I don't really know. I mean we both like each other but we're staying as friends. I mean geez I'm only 11 I don't wanna focus on some boyfriend."
"Preach sistah." We both laughed and ended up talking for hours. We talked about our Max's, school and other random junk.
"So you have two dads?"
"That is so cool! I only live with my mom, my dad kinda left..."
"Oh shit I'm sorry."
"Eh it's fine I guess. I never really knew him."
"But still."
There was a bit of an uncomfortable silence after that. "Anyways," y/n said trying to start the conversation again. "Is your David just as peppy as mine?"
I smirked, "How peppy are we talking?" She thought for a moment, "If all the Care Bears and Spongebob had an orgy but spongebob didn't wear a condom so a care bear got pregnant and had a baby. That peppy." My eyes widened a bit, "Damn that's really fucking peppy."
"How many times have we said peppy so far?"
"If we count that one, five times."


Soon enough, Neil fixed the machine and y/n had to go home. I was gonna miss the little fucker, she was great. We had a crazy bond, probably cause we were the same person.
"Alright y/n just step into the machine and you'll be sent home in no time."
Before she did, I went up to her and gave her a hug. I had only known her for hours but I loved her so much, we felt like family. "I'm gonna miss you y/n." She looked up at me, "I'm gonna miss you too."
Just as Neil was about to press the button someone else's head popped out. "y/n cmon let's go! who the hell are these people?" She laughed. "I'll explain it later Max."
And with a wave goodbye, she hopped back into her dimension.
"yOu shOuLD VISIT AGAIN!!" I shouted hoping she heard.

*aGhHhshsjs this is wayyyyy longer than it needs to be be idc*

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