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"I got it!" Chris yelled as he rushed into Felix's room.

Groaning, the younger boy managed to pull his face off the pillow and glance at the overly excited Chris. 

"What?" he asked, clearly too tired to deal with any of this.

"I know a way to make you feel better."

"Forget it, Chris," Felix grumbled, laying his head on the pillow again.

"Hear me out first-"

"It's frickin' two a.m. Whatever you have to say can wait."

"Syd and I are having a free day today. Let's go over to her house and you two can talk this out."

"She probably doesn't even want to see me."

"Well then that's her fault, isn't it? We'll show up without any warning. That way she can't just decline."

"What's this racket?" Woojin's voice came from the door. He glanced at Chris then Felix then back at Chris.

"I had an idea," the older Aussie boy said.

"Can't it wait until morning?" Woojin asked as he stared at the tired Felix.

Chris sighed.



Sydney was awoken that morning by a loud knock on her bedroom door before her mother walked in.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty," she uttered as she pulled the blanket off the sleepy teenager.

"I told you already, I don't have work today."

"Yeah but you have visitors."

"Visitors? Who on Earth? Lucas went to Spain for the summer..."

"Just be happy you will actually have someone's company today. Now get up before I get the ice."

"I'm up," Sydney sighed as she got out of bed. 

"Hurry or else they'll be waiting long."

"They?" She questioned but her mother was already long gone. She simply brushed it off and went to make herself more presentable.

She headed to the living room after dressing up and doing her hair only to see Chris and Felix sitting on the couch. 

In all honesty, she wasn't surprised by the fact they knew where she lived. Tori, wanting the employees to be more like family, insisted we tell each other where we live. But what she was surprised about was the fact Chris knew Felix. He had never mentioned it before.

Then again, he only spent most of the time they hung out asking whether she was okay and assuring her that is will get better.

"Morning," Chris smiled charmingly.

Sydney looked straight past him at Felix who was trying to hide behind the older male.

"Excuse him, he's a bit...shy," Chris apologised for his friend.

The girl simply nodded as she headed to the kitchen, asking whether they wanted some breakfast or anything.

"Just a cup of tea will do for us."

"Cool." And within a minute, Sydney returned with two cups of tea for the boys and a cereal bar for herself. 

"You might be wondering what exactly brings us two over to your house...or maybe you've already guessed but I'm going to tell you nevertheless. Felix, over here, wanted to talk to you about the incident.  Go ahead," the older boy explained, nudging Felix but only earning a glare in response.

"What happened that night was my fault," Sydney confessed. "I wasn't paying attention. But if it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead right thanks for that. I'm honestly really grateful."

"Oh, this is precious. I'll just leave you to it. Bye now," Chris quickly said as he left the two alone, his plan was working perfectly.

Felix sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"But that's exactly the you have people following you around and trying to get information off you. I shouldn't have dragged you into the life of fame..."

"I'd rather have people following me around than rotting in a coffin."


"Stop blaming yourself, Felix."

"I made your life a burden though."

"Well without you I wouldn't have a life," Sydney sighed. "Honestly Felix, I don't know how to express how thankful am I for what you did. I admit, the fangirls and all scare me but eventually I'll get used to it. Don't worry too much."

He shot her an uncertain look.

"You sure you're okay with all this?"

"Of course!"

Knowing he wasn't fully convinced, Sydney beamed at him before pulling him into a hug.

"I'm really okay with this," she whispered.

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