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^^^Oh my goodness, this song sounds good. I saw some of the dance in the INTRO: I Am Who Ep. 2 and I was like...what even is this comeback going to be like? But now I'm loving the song. Can't wait for the MV release tomorrow so I can see who my bias of the day will be (I still can't pick a real bias). Also, kinda old news but I'm really happy that we have a fandom name! Stays will always be there for our boys Stray Kids^^^

"So, did you and Felix talk things out?" Chris asked Sydney as they walked to the café.

"Why don't you ask Felix? Don't you guys live together? And besides, why didn't you ever tell me you guys knew each other?"

"Well, you never asked. And I already asked Felix and he said you did but sometimes he says things like that just so I stop sticking my head in his business."

Sydney chuckled.

"Yeah, we talked things out. In fact, after my shift, we are going to talk things out some more."

Chris cocked an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh really? So like grab a coffee, walk around side by side and act as if it all isn't a date? I see."

"Oh my gosh, Chris. No! We are literally just talking things out. No dates. All I want is to be his friend."

"Ouch, the friend zone. I felt that one."

Sydney rolled his eyes.

"Stop. He probably thinks the same."

"Does he, Sydney? Does he really?"

"I don't know...does he?"

"I think so but I'm not the one to tell you. Ask him when you go on your date."

"Firstly, it's not a date and secondly, I can't just do that."

"Why not?" He questioned as he opened the door of the café and walked in after Sydney.

"I just can't. It's awkward."

"How? You're just asking if he feels like being a little more than friends. That simple."

"But it's not that simple. What if he says no then thinks I want to be more than friends?"

"Do you want to be more than friends?"




"Fine, just tell him that then."

"But what if he was lying?"

"Then it's his fault."

"No, it's not his fault! It's mine for not realising he was lying. Then it would be like he saved my life and I broke his heart in return."

"Why are you overcomplicating this?"

"Look, I'm just thinking of the possible situations."

Chris stopped walking and turned to her.

"It's a simple yes or no question."

"It won't be simple if he picks no."

"You don't have to worry about him picking no. I know for a fact that he likes you."

"How sure are you? Did he ever approach you and say 'hey Chris. Have I ever mentioned that I like Sydney?'."

"Well... no."

"Then you can never be too sure."

"I don't need him to tell me whether he likes you or not. I can see it on his face when he talks about you!"

Sydney froze.

"He talks about me?" She asked making Chris roll his eyes at her.

"Look, either you take my advice and trust me enough to ask him about it during your date...hang-out or lose the chance altogether."

The girl sighed.

"Fine. I'll try to ask him."


"You ready?" Felix asked with a wide smile upon seeing Sydney. The sky was dark and the streets that were once packed with people slowly become empty. Felix, as promised, had been hiding in the shadows while he was waiting for the girl to arrive.

"Yeah," she smiled in response before the Aussie boy walked out of the shadows to meet the dim moonlight.

Felix slowly led her away from the city and closer to a more quiet area where he knew no one would be. He often spent his time hidden from the public but didn't really enjoy staying in his room twenty-four seven. He liked the outdoors a lot and soon he found many peaceful areas away from loud fans.

"How was work?" he asked, shoving his hands in his jean pockets and staring at the ground. Neither Sydney nor him wanted to make eye contact, worried that they'd just make each other awkward. 

"It was good...as usual," she muttered, glancing at the landscape around them.

"Did anything interesting happen?"

"Well...Olivia spilt a customer's coffee all over herself but that's about as interesting working in a cafe gets."

"I see..."

"What about you?" Sydney finally looked at Felix. "Do you have a job?"

He glanced up at her with a slight smile.

"Does Blue Moon count as a job? 'Cause I do get paid for it."

"No, it does not. I mean a real job where you actually do something."

"Then no. Minho and Chris are the only ones with jobs."

"Minho?" the girl repeated, the name not familiar to her.

Felix chuckled a bit.

"Have you ever been on Blue Moon?" he asked.

"Uh...no. I'm not really a fan of apps like those. Why?" Sydney replied awkwardly.

"We're all in the top ten most famous on Blue Moon. Chris, Woojin, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin and I. It's also convenient that we are all friends. We started off as one channel then branched out."

"I'm sorry, I lost you after you mentioned Chris. Can you repeat the names again? And slower this time? It might take a while to remember all of them."

"Don't worry," Felix chuckled. "I'll make sure you meet them soon. Then you'll never forget their names."

Sorry for not updating my stories in a while. I had felt mentally drained for a while and decided to take a break from Wattpad altogether for a while but now I'm back and I'm feeling really inspired so I'll try to continue updating my stories often. This was copied from my book called Artificial Intelligence so if you read it once you don't have to read it again:

My school is starting on the 20th of August so after that I probably won't be able to write that often. I'm planning on finishing Artificial Intelligence before then though because there are only a few chapters left so yeah. Barista and Kryptonite will continue and after I finish Kryptonite I'll start with the last book in the Wonderland trilogy. After Barista is completed I might write a new book which will be a bit like Taurus or Day5 depending on how the voting goes. I'm also looking into updating Hunted at some point.

Thank you for over 400 followers. I really appreciate it. You guys are honestly the best <3


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