Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

I made my way to my seat in my last period of the day, AP Chemistry. I slide into my desk and wait for Mr. Akins to begin the lesson. I thought about my first three classes, How I didn't even notice that Luke was in my Advanced English class, how Michael was in my History class and now how Ashton in my Advanced science class's.

Finally Mr. Akins decided to begin class and I quickly dozed off.

From the back of the room I had a pretty great view of the whole class. I could see Jenna pass a sticky note to Ashton, Ashton then slowly crumble it up when she wasn't looking and toss it into the trash, Harley texting under the table, and Jackson sneak a piece of cooked bacon from his sweatshirt pocket.

Finally, after the long, excruciating lesson Mr. Akins passed out a sheet with directions and details of our upcoming project.

"Alright class, this will be the last assignment of the year! We will have partners but, before you begin looking around I suggest not to get your hopes up. I have already picked out your partners and you must stick to them. No switching." sighs slipped out from a couple of people around the room, "Alright, Jenna with Jackson, Taylor with Brianna, Layla with Ashton, Liam with Sam" and the list went on.

I glanced over at Ashton to see him already looking at me.

He made an invisible triangle with his fingers and pointed at me and then him.

I shrugged and he mouthed, "Your house or mine?"

I shrugged again and pointed to him mouthing, "Because you're best friends with my brother."

He nodded

"I'll give you a ride." he mouthed and I nodded and mouthed a thank you.

Mr. Akins went on speaking as I turned my attention over to him, "The sheet that's being passed out has everything you need to know. Your project is due three weeks from today or Friday the 6th. Thank you so much for your attention and have a good Friday and a safe weekend."

Once he summed up his lecture the bell rang. I took my time with my things and walked out to my locker.

I saw from the corner of my eye Olly walking up to my locker from the right and from the left, Ashton.

Oliver got to my locker first and he have me a big hug.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday Laylers" he said releasing me

"It's okay. I'm kinda gonna have to do the same." He looked confused as Ashton walked up behind me. I gave him a quick wave and returned my attention to Olly, "I don't need a ride today. I have a project I'm doing with Ashton that were starting early and he said that he would give me a ride to his house. Thanks a lot though, for everything." I say giving him one last quick hug, shutting my locker and turning to Ashton. I'm overwhelmed with his tallness considering he's like 6' and I'm 5'3".

"Hello!" I say with a smile

"Hey." he says returning a smile, "You ready?"

I nod and we made our way out to his car.

"So, you and Jenna." I say giggling and shoving his arm.

"No." he said laughing a little but being completely honest, "Not to be mean or anything but, she's kinda pushy and annoying. Today she gave me a note in class and if asked me if she could have my number. I really didn't want to give it to her so I threw it away and rushed out the door when the bell rang."

I laughed even more.

He seemed to be getting a little nervous, "So, was that your boyfriend?"

To lighten the nervousness I giggled slightly, "No, Olly, I mean Oliver has been my best friend since I can remember. He's been giving me rides home all year. Except yesterday he made the soccer team I think for next year and had a practice after school so he couldn't. That's why I was at Mikey's house watching the practice. So, Calum had to take me." I don't get why he was nervous. It's not that big of a deal.

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