Chapter Three

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When we got to the car he opened my door for me, walked around to his side, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Thank you, Ashton. I've had tons of fun!" I say looking over at him smiling.

He nods, "Me too."

I pull out my phone and text my mum: "Hey, coming home in a few. Be there around 8:30"


Sure enough we pull into my driveway at 8:32pm.

"Thanks so much for the food and the skating. It was fun." I say with a slight smile

"No problem. It was a pleasure." He replies

I grab my stuff and open the door, "Bye." I say with a wave

"See ya!"

Chapter 3

When I reached the door of my house my mom automatically opened the door.

"Uh. Hey." I said trying to play it cool that I just got home from a study/date thing.

"So, did you get a lot done?" she asks moving out of the way for me to come in.

"Yeah, sorta." I say.

She nods and allows me to go up to my room without anymore questions.

When I get to the top of the stairs is hear Cal practicing his bass and I knock on his door.

"YEAH!?" he yells over the sound of his bass

"CAL, ITS ME!" I yell

"OH HEY! ONE SEC!" He replies unplugging his bass from his amp.
I lean up against the wall waiting for him.

Finally, he opens the door, "Hey Laylers!" he practically hollers

"Hey, is there any particular reason your yelling?"

"What?!" he screams


"Oh. Sorry. I guess from playing."

"Your songs are good!"

"Hey thanks!!"

"Yeah no problem." I say nervously, "Hey, uh Cal I need to tell you something."

"Yeah, go ahead." he says leaning against his door.

"Uh... I... uh..." I fumble on whether or not to tell him about my date with Ashton. Maybe it's not gonna be a regular thing that I go on dates with him. yeah... yeah, "I... uh... just want to congratulate you on you first gig!! I heard you were playing for 200 people that's awesome!! Hope it goes well!" I say hopefully covering up the fact I totally dodged my stuttering.

"Awe! Thanks." he said, "Hey! I have this awesome mixed CD for you!"

I smile and step in his room.

He scrimmages around his room trying to find it, "Ah, here it is." he picks it up and hands it to me.

"Thanks Cal. Uh, when's your next rehearsal?" I ask

"Tomorrow afternoon, why?" he says picking up his bass again, "You got the hots for Mikey?" he asks wiggling his eyes.

I nudge his shoulder, "Am I not allowed to like my brothers band?!"

"Good to know you don't like him because uh. just no." He says scrunching his face up thinking about it.

"Anyways, Do you think I could sit in again?"

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