Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

"Layla..." I hear in a soft whisper.

I roll over and cover my face.

"Layla!" this time louder a long with a shake.

I turn back over and open my eyes, "What Cal?! What could you possibly want in the middle of the night while I'm trying to sleep?"

He laughs, "It's not the middle of the night it's only... 12:24. chill out."

I groan,"Its the middle of the night, Cal. What do you want? Im trying to sleep!"

"Ya know, it took me at least 7 minutes to get you to even move." he replies laughing again.

"Tell me what you woke me up for or leave." I say sitting up pointing to the door.

"Okay so the guys and I are going out tonight on an adventure," he says smirking, "Would you like to join?"

I hear the door open and three more people walking in. I think for a moment, then respond.

"What could possibly go wrong?" I say getting out of bed.

All the guys cheer quietly and make there way out of my bedroom.

"Just give me a few minutes to make myself decent." Calum nods and closes the door behind him.

I quickly throw on a Fall Out Boy black tank top, black skinny jeans and my gray vans. I pull my brown wavy hair down and head out the door.

We all walk outside and head to Calum's Land Rover he got for his sixteenth birthday.

When I get into the front I get a whistle from Michael. I laugh glancing at Calum to see him glaring at Michael in the mirror.

"So," I say loudly to break the awkward silence, "Cal, where we going?"

"Well, it wouldn't be as adventurous if I told you now would it?"

I just shrug and turn the radio.


Within 15 minutes we arrived to this random, ghetto, neighborhood. He drives towards the back and pulls into a distant driveway further down the street from the rest of the other houses.

He pulls into the driveway shinning his headlights on this abandoned house that was before us.

It was painted a gross dark blue. It had a cracked window, shingles on the roof missing, and the door was painted an ugly red.

"What the heck is this?" I say in disgust.

None of them answered me and just got out of the car.

We walk around to the back entrance and Calum turned on the lights. You would never in a million years guess what was in there.

There was new white carpet, a huge movie screen with 6 recliners, a huge couch to the front, A collection of guitars hanging on the wall to the left, practically a full size kitchen in the back, then a bathroom and a master bedroom in the room to the right.

"When... How...?" I say turning to Calum in amazement.

"With all the money from past birthdays I could pay for everything and the house was super cheap. I like how it looks like crap outside because no one would want to break in. Kinda a punk-rock feel."

"Calum, your not punk stop trying. You look like a puppy." I reply

He glares at me but takes a seat in one of the recliners.

"So, what type of adventure are we gonna do?"

"This was it." Calum replies as all the other guys take a seat in a recliner.

"Calum. You've got to be kidding. This is not an adventure. I could be sleeping right now!"

"Stop being a party pooper!" Luke says walking to the kitchen pulling out some food and some sodas.

I groan for the millionth time and plop onto the couch.


Half an hour later we're all watching "The Notebook".

You would expect that it was my idea. But, no. It was all Ashton! The rest of the guys said no. They claimed they were too manly but, here we are, all cuddle on the couch crying about the tragic but sweet love story between Noah Calhoun and Allie Hamilton.

After the two hours spent crying our eyes out, we all sit there eating the rest of the popcorn.

"But it was so sweet that he spent everyday reading there life story to her to help her try to remember!!" I say letting a tear roll down my cheek as I fall over onto Calum.

"And then when she finally did for the short while, he was so relieved!!" Calum said with a sniff

"But I hate that she freaked out on him when he was just trying to be sweet!" Luke said

"She had a mental disorder, Luke!!", Ashton replied looking over to him.

"Oh, yeah!" He said with a chuckle.

"I just can't believe that they died!!" Michael says with a tissue in his hand.

"But they died together! Isn't that just so romantic though!!" I say sitting back up.

"I mean, I guess. But they died" Michael said throwing his tissue away.

I began to laugh, "Your so blunt."

"Woah!! It's like 3am." Calum points out.

The other guys look around at each other and just shrug. They began to laugh in unison.

"We should probably go..." I say looking to Calum.

He nods and begins picks up the pile of tissues we all had made.


We say goodbye to Ashton who had been the last one of the guys we dropped off.

We watch him climb up the side of his house onto the roof and walk over to his bedroom window. Then, with a small wave he pulled up his window and climbed in.

The car was silent on the way back to our house.

"Alright, I guess that was pretty cool." I say giving Calum a sly smile.

He didn't smile though. He just nodded.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What?"

"Ashton likes you." He says and I blush.

"W-what?" I stuttered a bit.

"And you like him?" He asked

I sit for a moment.

"... A little" I say quietly

The ride was complete silent the rest of the way home.

(A/N) short. But hey I updated. Hopefully it was at least a tiny bit interesting. I haven't been writing bc a ton of stuff had been going on in the past few months... Sorry. Enjoy though!! -Abby💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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