Chapter 16

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"Do you have to go to work mommy?" Jade asked her mother Melody

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"Do you have to go to work mommy?" Jade asked her mother Melody.

"It's the only way I'm able to buy your barbies," Melody smiled at her daughter.

"Work as much as you want mommy."

"Go put your shoes on so I can take you to Ms. Mable's house," Melody said.

Ms. Mable lived a few houses down from Melody. She watched Jade on the weekends, and some nights during the week when Melody worked. Since Jade was in kindergarten Melody had time to herself during the weekdays.

"Why can't I stay here?" Jade whined.

"Do as I said before I get my belt," Melody said sternly.

Jade stomped to her room to put on her shoes.

"Why won't you just let me watch her?"

Melody rolled her eyes and look at the person standing in her doorway "The last time I let you watch her she was doing backflips off her bed because you decided it was ok to feed her candy and sugar cookies all night."

"Why the hostility?"

"I don't know Rocky, maybe because I'm being held against my fucking will," Melody said sarcastically.

"Your free to leave, Brianna," Rocky smirked.

"Go fuck yourself."

After being kidnapped, Brianna was forced to change her name to, Melody Wright. She also had to change her appearance so she wasn't recognized. Being that her body and appearance changed so much over the years she didn't have to do much. The most she did was switch up her hair occasionally, and wore makeup. She rarely recognized herself so she doubted if anyone from her past recognized her.

Being kidnapped was the worst day of her life, it was the day she last saw her sister, Beyoncé, and the love of her life, Jacob. A few weeks after being kidnapped, Brianna found out she was pregnant with her 5 year old daughter, Jade Giselle Brewster. At this time she was living in Arizona with Rocky to keep a low profile. He's basically been taking care of her these past 5 years. After spending 6 months living in Arizona they moved to Indiana, and lived there another 6 months. Once they left Indiana they resided at their current location in Henderson, Nevada, where Brianna works as a stripper, in Vegas. Since she didn't finish high school there wasn't really anything else she could do that would make her enough money to take care of her and her daughter, and she refused to rely on Rocky. The only thing she allows Rocky to do is pay all the bills, and buy the groceries.

Rocky thought that he was gonna be giving Brianna back to Beyoncé after she killed Robert but, Gucci clearly lied to him. Gucci told Rocky that if Brianna ever escaped he would kill him, and Rocky did not want that which is why he put a tracker in Brianna just in case she did try to run. He doubted she would do that since he lied, and told her Beyoncé would die instantly if she did flee.

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