Chapter 29

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"How are you feeling today?" Dr. Kelly asked.

"I'm tired, very tired," Beyoncé answered.

"You came here alone?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to wake Jay," Beyoncé said.

"Well I took a look at your prenatal tests," she said.

Beyoncé could tell something was wrong by her facial expression, "What's wrong?"

"Your stress level and blood pressure is way higher than last time. I hate to say this Beyoncé, but, these babies might not make it."

"Please don't say that, how can I fix it? How can I help them?" Beyoncé asked on the verge of tears.

"Rest. You may not think it's important but, rest is so important. Trust me when I say I want you to have these babies, and I know you don't want to lose them either. I don't know what I'll do if I lost my son. You need to rest Beyoncé, and I guarantee you these babies will make it. They might come a little earlier than expected but, at least they made it, right?"

Beyoncé wanted these babies more than anything so she promised Kelly she would rest. She wouldn't be able to handle losing another kid, she refused.

After Beyoncé left the doctors office she headed home to talk to Jay.

"Baby!" Beyoncé called out once she entered her home.

"I'm in the kitchen."

"Hey," she kissed his lips, "What you been up to?"

"I'm making a sandwich because you didn't cook breakfast before you left," Jay said.

"It's cereal, and milk."

"It ain't no cereal," Jay said.

"Oh well, that's your fault for eating 2 boxes in a week," Beyoncé laughed.

"Where you been at?" Jay asked.

"I had an appointment with Kelly."

"You should've told me, I would've came."

"I didn't want to wake you, and it was all bad news anyway," Beyoncé said sadly.

"Are the babies ok?"

"They might not make it because I'm stressed, and my blood pressure is too high. She said I needed to rest."

"Damn," Jay mumbled, he really didn't know what to say.

"I was thinking maybe I should get out of the states for a while. So I can rest, and clear my head because I know if these twins don't make it, it will be my fault," Beyoncé suggested.

"I think that's a good idea. That way I'll know you're safe being that Gucci knows you're pregnant. Maybe you can make it a girls trip so you won't be alone. I really don't want you to be alone," Jay said.

"I'll ask Tommie, and Nicki. Brianna and Jade won't really have a choice but, to come since they're a target as well. I'll probably have to invite Sydney as well because she's involved with Bri, and I don't want her getting hurt when she has nothing to do with this."

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