Shes a vampire

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Andy's P.O.V
It's been about four years and Emily was growing quickly.
Me and Ashley decided to take her to the park so she could release some energy before nap time and she ran all over the place , we had to run to keep up her.

Me and Ashley took turns running and resting so when Ashley sat down it was his notifying me that it was my turn. I got up and went after her but when I found her she has a little boy by the hand . They were staring into each other's eyes and she slowly moved her mouth to his neck. Just before she could bite him I grabbed Emily and hurried back to Ashley.

" Emily open your mouth"I demanded and she slowly opened her mouth.
Ashley looked into her mouth and looked back at me "Andy she has fangs" I was shocked but then I remember her mother turned into ash when she died.
"Ashley let's get home before this happens again"he nodded and we walked to my black mustang I buckled Emily up into her car seat . Shutting the door I turned towards the forest behind the play ground and noticed two male  shadows lurking in the shadows behind the trees. I stared them down before walking around the car and getting in . Driving as fast as I could to get out of there and head home.
When we finally got home Ashley let Emily out and as soon as she got out of my car , as if on cue, Juliet came out to greet up . Emily ran at Juliet and She picked Emily up "hi momma you won't believe what happened" and Juliet just smiled and asked "what happened my little angel".
Emily didn't answer because I did " we found out she's a vampire and she almost bit a human" Juliet just looked at Emily and said " oh my sweet angel"I stared dead at her before Juliet spoke again " at least we won't have to change her now' and Ashley nodded.
" true but now we need to take extra care watching her"I said walking towards the house.
Juliet took Emily inside . Ashley grabbed my arm harshly " vampire children don't exist. two vampires cannot procreate " Ashley had a point " what are you saying" . " Meaning Emily's mother was murdered while pregnant, which also makes Emily a rarity and what's ever after her won't stop" I nodded. "I know that Ashley" I yanked my arm free and walked inside.

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