Mr . Niceguy

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Andy's P.O.V
I was walking back to the tour bus when I saw Jake looking all around shouting my daughter's name .
I walked over to the tour bus a grab Jake roughly by his shoulder " what happened" Jake shrugged " I don't know , I told her she can go outside to get air because you told me to not let her out so I went back to the bunks where she said she'd be so I could check on her and she had gotten out through the window besides your bunk" I let him got with a slight shove, I walked around towards the window she had jumped from . "Emily! Emily !" I yelled the absolute worst scenario running through my head. She's never done this before she wouldn't run off like this. I heard foot steps coming from the woods I looked over and there she was.
"Emily, why the fuck did you do that"I cursed. She looked a little surprised I don't usually curse at her . I grabbed onto her upper arm lightly and began leading her towards the bus . Once we were back on the bus I let her go and had her sit down. "Explain young lady now!" I demanded. " Needed fresh air and Jake said no so I found a way to get what I need by opening a window" she was looking at her hands. " Jumping out a window and then hiding in the woods isn't opening a window for fresh air, what were you thinking what if something happened" I retorted.
"Stop with the what ifs I'm able to do normal school and be responsible for my own homework I'm responsible enough to drive a car but yet even with those things I need a damn sitter" she snapped back. " Why couldn't I step outside on my own with protection just to breathe" she calmed a little bit. " Because we don't know what's out there!" I snapped a phone interrupted our argument Emily picked up her phone " it's mom" she answered " hi mom" before leaving the room.
I plopped down on the couch where she once sat . My head in my hands  jinxx took a seat next to me and patted my back " man it's okay every kid goes throw this phase" he reassured but I shook my head " not my Emily, she's always been sweet and followed everything we set in place I don't know where this is coming from" . Cc sat in the chair " maybe she's growing up and wanting to spread her wings and maybe it's time you let her...." I looked up at him angered by his suggestion. " Maybe after we kill what wants her dead of course" he said .
Ashley appeared outta nowhere. "Don't wanna interrupt the conversation but I saw a little horror boy wondering around outside just staring at our bus" I stood up quickly and hurried off the bus and there he was just strolling on by...I super sped over to him . Grabbing him by his shoulder making Ricky horror face me before I grabbed him by the caller of his shirt and slammed him against the nearest tree.
" Little far from home hmmm... Horror" I growled all he did was shrug "motionless in White is on the warped tour too , you would know if you had read the line up".
"Here's a better question, why the fuck are you wondering around my bus."I said slamming him into the wall again "I was just walking around"he said wincing as I slammed him into the tree again.
"Final question,who the fuck told you it was okay to be around this area " I said through clinched teeth"I don't see your name anywhere free country I thought"he replied, sarcasm dripping from his lips.
"Not around me it's not, don't come around this area or my bus unless you plan on limping around the stage"I threatened letting him go ."Now scram before I regret letting your pathetic ass go"I threatened before he took off into the darkness.

Ricky's P.O.V
I stopped running as soon as my body became hidden by the darkness , I watched as the young girl run to her father and without waiting a minute Andy opened his arms for her to run into.

" I'm sorry dad , I broke your rules I just wanted fresh air that's all" I heard her cry."it's ok Emily, we just need to reinforce the rules,alright "Andy said pulling away from her and holding her shoulders"yes sir"she said as Andy reached up to wipe her tears away.
"Ricky?"a voice said I jumped only to realize it was ghost"tha fuck ghost"I said , glaring him down "sorry Chris needs to speak with you"I nodded and we headed in the direction back to the bus. " You looked like a stalker " he jokes as we walk " no I did not I was just walking and admiring the busses " I responded " the busses how admirable they really are " he laughed picking on me.

When we got back to the bus I climed abord with ghost in suit " where were you?" Chris questioned "on a walk , simple" I spoke. " I heard your conversation, I hear far and I hear all you were talking with that girl" I nodded " eh I guess I was" mentally slapping myself in this moment. " Ricky?".. I stared at Chris dead in his eyes " I have a simple task to lead us right to the prize , get close to get her to trust you and then we'll have her to deliver her to the boss" I nodded.
" I guess that shouldn't be a problem" I responded shrugging not exactly knowing what I'm supposed to do that.

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