him again

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Emily's P.O.V
I walked around with my uncle Cc who was browsing the food court because he was hungry . He didn't get anything because his phone went off , dad was calling to remind him to they had a set in about 15 minutes and he had to get back asap. So we started our walk to head backstage of the black Veil Brides set to get to their performance. When we got there dad was waiting with their manager , Dan tsurif. Dad had a pair of headphones to cancel out some of the noise. " Emily honey stay with Dan , back here , understand?" I nodded to my dad who in turn bent down and kissed my head.
I was sitting on a big box While the performance was happening. Dan stood near me just watching me and their show. I wore My sunglasses so my eyes were covered and my hoodie up so it covered my head dad asked if I'd stay hidden , so I did what he asked .
I felt a tap on my shoulder not long into the show so slowly I turned to my left see the same boy from last night. I slid my hood and headphones onto my shoulders. "Hello"I said kinda scared cause he literally came out of nowhere"hey , I didn't think I'd see you again"he asked and I shrugged my shoulders " I kinda figured I would just not the day after the grounds arent that big anyway the crowds just make them that way" he nodded in agreement.
"If you don't mind me asking why are you back here" I asked , he shrugged " my band is on next at the next stage over so figured Id explore so other stages I guess" . " Oh ok" I looked back at the stage to see my dad just singing his heart out. " But shouldn't you stay with them in case you go on early" he shrugged. " Nah they'll call me right before and tell my to get my ass over there as soon as possible" I nodded my head as he spoke . Dan got close to me and began listening to our conversation, honestly probably not the first. " I also kinda wanted to ask if you wanted to get  food after my show , maybe If you wanted" he asked looking at the ground " we did meet kinda weirdly I...I just wanted to make it up to you so you didn't think I was some weirdo" he admitted. I shook my head " thanks for the offer but my dad would literally kill you " I replied nonchalantly, knowing my dad probably end his life for even stand to close to me. " Emily , if you if you want , your dad said I can escort you back to the bus" Dan said and I nodded . " Yea I wanna go back I'm tired" i responded, Dan offered his hand to help me slide off the Box . I took it and slid off only for Dan to reposition my headphones back on my ears and hood back on top of my headphones. Before I could say anything else to Ricky, Dan began to lead me away from but not before say go on kid I'm sure your sets gonna start soon. I turned and walked bye as I followed Dan back to the tour bus.  Dan unlocked the door and let me inside " your dad's probably gonna talk with you when he gets back about you Talkin with a horror" I raised my eyebrow. " Horror?.." . " Not my job to explain anything to you about it but Andy probably will" he finished as he plopped down on the couch as I went back to the bunk area and to my bottom bunk. I sat down and took off my shoes and changed into shorts before crawling into my bed and under my covers to take a nap.

I woke up later to a weight shifting onto my bed and a hand softly stroking my head. I looked over and saw my dad he had changed from his performance gear into just a batman shirt and jeans . " Good evening , dad" he didn't say anything in response though. " Honey we need to talk" was all he said after a few moments of silence. " Honey I know you don't completely understand why we're so over protective but i don't think you need to be around the likes of Ricky horror, neither of either of our bands exactly like each other and I'm just trying to keep you safe" I only nodded either way I wasn't gonna win. " I get it dad" I kept it short . He leaned down and kissed my head , "honey go back to sleep in you can we got another long day tomorrow if you wake up and you're hungry Cc got you your favorite in the fridge" I nodded " thanks dad before rolling back over and going back to sleep .

Rickys p.o.v

"What the fuck is wrong with with me just talking with that girl , like damn . I just wanna talk to her , for it to fuckin work but no.. damn Andy's gotta be ten steps a fuckin head of me!" I cursed out loud. " What the fuck are you on about" ryan said popping out of nowhere." What the fuck Ryan, are you trying to give me a heart attack" I cursed out loud, I was scared by him jump scaring me  " Chris needs you now!" He demanded turning away and leaving me to follow him " also you're dead you don't have a heart beat " he retorted. I merely just walked behind him preparing for Chris to ruin any mood I was in.

And I was right chris wasn't happy at all... " What the fuck do you mean she wouldn't talk to you" I merely shrugged " she was talking to me. But their bands manager led her away , damn andy had to be over protective and give her a babysitter" Chris shook his head. " This isn't gonna get any better especially if falling in reverse is gonna be joining the tour and be here" I nodded " I guess , also why do I have to get close to her" I asked the obvious. " Because you have talked to her and th-" his phone cut through Chris' sentence " I'll be back don't go anywhere!" I nodded talking a seat next to Ryan.

About twenty minutes or so later Chris stalked back into the living room area of our bus. " That was him , he's growing impatient!"... I stared at him blankly" okay so , how can we get close to a girl that constantly has someone with or watching her" I retorted. " I don't care find a way or he'll come do it himself and we don't need another blood bath " I only nodded. " Yeah yeah I got it" I didn't wanna but I did . I guess I gotta get close to some girl now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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