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Emily's P.O.V
2 years later
(PSA Emily is a vampire she grows rapidly so she looks / is branded 11 as her again for safety reasons)
Mom and Dad have left to head to the local blood bank to get some blood so I have been left me with my uncle Ashley and uncle Cc.
I walked around the house and sighed seeing my uncles outside the house through the kitchen window they walking around , they heard a noise come from the pool area.
I walked back into the living room and before I sat down I heard a rustling from the bushes outside the living room window . I walked over to the window and looked out to see two men and one of them looked like he had dreads and the other had long black hair.
They looked at me and smiled these creepy little smiles i screamed for my uncle's . my uncles rushed into the house from the back door."Emily what happened"cc asked . Ashley had locked the back door before joining us"I saw these two men they were just standing there and they smiled at me"Ashley hurried to the window and looked out"no one"he stated and I questioned if what I saw was real.
"But I know what I saw"I said defending myself ,Ashley shook his head"it's not that we don't believe you, we just need to call your parents" Cc walked into the other room so he could call my dad"
"Uncle I'm scared"he hugged me tightly before he sat me down on the couch and patted my head comfortably "Emily I know it must've scared you but we'll protect you no matter what okay?"I nodded at his reassurance

Not even an hour later My parents opened the door to the house and rushed inside, locking the door behind them.
My uncle was standing in the middle the room pacing as I sat there scared to go near the window"are you ok? My sweet angel what happened !??"my mom said frantically checking all over my face to make sure I was okay"momma,I'm fine they didn't break in or anything they just stood there and stared me"I explained to her and she nodded before hugging me tightly.
My dad and uncles stayed in the living room conversation while my mom lead me up to my room so I could get ready for bed.

Andy's P.O.V
I turned to cc and Ashley and said"what the fuck happened exactly".Ashley spoke first"we heard a noise from the backyard around the pool and it sounded like the movement of people so we went out to check and we left her in the house not even for two minutes and when we heard her scream we ran straight in  and locked the back door and cc called after Emily informed us that she saw people in our front yard that's what happened"he finished. I was getting angry because they left my baby alone in the house with the back door completely wide open ,almost.
"You left an eleven year old alone even if it was for not even two minutes"I said showing my anger and cc spoke up first "we're sorry but now we know for sure they're still looking for her and they won't stop"me and Ashley nodded

Unknowns P.O.V

Me and ghost hurried back to the boss so we could report that we found her
When we arrived I knocked and the right hand man let us in and led us to where our boss was sat in front of a fire his back to us.
"Did you find the girl "our boss hissed and we nodded "yes sir but they are very protective over her" the boss questioned "the vampire clan known as the fallen angels"ghost responded. "Those pest!"he grumbled, "there is very few , we could attack at once and then-" "ghost as much as I enjoy your enthusiasm, we cannot do that , we must get close and attack from the inside , do you understand" the boss interrupted.
"Yes sir" ghost responded, frowning. " Don't you boys have a tour to prepare yourselves for?" The boss questioned. " We do" the right hand man responded, " then go prepare, and leave me be" he waved us away.
We left the room and walked the long way down the hall we entered through.
"I wonder what will happen" ghost says aloud.  " Oh yes I wonder ..." I mumbled .

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