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Emily's P.O.V
We had been on the roads for hours and didn't stop until it was time to get dinner. Two of my uncles Cc and Jinxx went out to get pizza while my uncle Ashley gave me a blood bag and said to drink and not leave the bus until they got back with dinner and then left with dad with go get snacks for the next few days. Uncle Jake stayed so I wasn't alone.
  He sat on the couch on his phone scrolling through social media, seeming bored. I really wanted to go out and walk around , just enjoy the night air . " Hey uncle Jake can I step outside to get a breath of fresh air?" I asked nicely. " Did you finish your blood bag?" He responded with a question. " Well no bu-"" you answered your own question kiddo ,plus it's dark out you don't need to go out this time of night" . I pouted at him And practically chugged the bag. " Now can I?" He shook his head "wait till your dad gets back". "Ugh" I responded , an Idea hit me what it I snuck out I'm small enough to fit through the window next to my dad's bunk.
" Fine I'm just gonna go hang out in my bunk"ok" was all he said .
I walked back to the bunk area and towards the back where my dad's bed was. As quietly as I could I propped the window open and slid out landing on my butt , but I was out .

I walked out and just looked around , taking in the sights we were in Oregon after all , I've never been outside California. There was nothing but bus after bus but we were after all at the first set of the tour. Many bands were here. I looked around and noticed something from inside the tree's something or someone was in there I looked away when I heard my uncle Jake calling my name from the front of the bus.' Oh shit ' I thought. I ducked and ran away from the open window towards the woods not exactly caring I just saw someone who, could be potentially dangerous stood there a second ago. I crouched down behind a bush to hide from view. As my uncle ran around frantically looking for me.
I looked around and saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring into my hazel eyes.A tall lengthy boy stepped out of the shadows and he smiled at me and I blushed looking away.

He walked over towards where I sat hidden behind the bush and looked down at me i looked down at my hands embarrassed slightly as this cute guy stared at me I took a deep breath and looked up at him "hello is there something you need"I asked he stared at me before saying " I don't know what you're hiding for but you could've found another place" . I gave a questioning look " how do you know I'm hiding" he merely shook his head " I just watched you sprint into the woods as someone called out the name ' Emily ' " he finished. " So you were creeping and watching me from behind a tree yet you questioned me"i asked " snarky much " he retorted .
We sat in silence ." I'm hiding from my band mates If you must know I need a break" he said breaking the silence. Stared at him "I'm snuck out because I needed fresh air and was told no" he stared at me before he stared to laugh at me . " You were told no so you ran off" he moved and sat besides me . "Yes I guess I did" he's still laughing. " I'm Ricky" he introduced himself. Before I could say anything I heard" Emily!!" It was my dad .
" I have to go" I got up . "Nice meeting you " I took off running know how much trouble I'd be in now because dad was back..

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