Part 6

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Hey! Sorry for the wait again! And sorry this is so very short, but the story is about to end soon and I just kind of want to get to the good part :) 


“Ah, how’re ya doin’, Lassie?” Evrett grinned as he walked into the room Scarlette was waiting for him in. She set the maids to packing her things, and the moment she could get away she ran to Hogarth Clan and requested an audience with the Laird. She stood and smiled, not understanding why she was in quite so much pain at the prospect of leaving.

“M’Laird, I’ve come to tell ya tha’ my sister an’ myself are leavin’ at highnoon.”

Evrett’s smile did not falter. It disappeared. “What of the engagement?”

Scarlette smiled a smile of sarcasm and dark dry humor, “He proved ta be too unfaithful for my sister ta handle.”

Evrett growled and leaned back on his heels with his fists on his hips. He could kill that swanky, sleazy little bastard! He looked up at Scarlette who was looking at him with an expression that mirrored his own. They both thought of the future they saw in each other and they were starting to mourn the impossibility of it.

But Scarlette would not let herself. She’d hashed out a very unstable plan during her walk into the northern country that now seemed to hold her heart. It was full of potential for folly, but at least it was a plan.

Evrett’s body tightened with desire when her eyes sparked with determination and fire, something he would hold dear in a wife and Lady of his clan. He didn’t want to let go of the possibility either.

“How does a wedding sound ta ya?” She asked skeptically.

His eyebrows rose and he laughed joyfully, “Lassie, are ya askin’ my hand?” He asked in good humor. Scarlette did not laugh with him, nor was she offended by his mirth.

“That is exactly what I’m askin’.” She boldly stood before him and laid it all out. They did not speak of any sort of union, but she felt it. She was sure he felt it as well, the promise of a prosperous future, but this proposal was such a blind shot that Scarlette’s hands were actually sweating from nerves. She was not a nervous person.

Evrett stopped laughing and his eyes widened with shock before he controlled himself and regarded her calmly. He thought about locking her down in marriage after she danced away on the wind the first time they met. His gut feeling never let him astray, and his gut was pointing straight to her. It helped that the appendage about a foot lower than his gut was pointing at her as well. Proverbially of course.

“Are you in love with me, Lass?” He teased lightly, but the undercurrent of true curiosity was apparent.

Scarlette smiled a serene smile that graced her beautiful face in such a way that Evrett actually had trouble inhaling. He wanted nothing more but to see that smile every day for the rest of his life.

“I am in love with the land, Evrett.” She said slowly, like she savored every word on her tongue, “I’m in love with this place, this life.” She extended her arms like she were basking in the essence of Hogarth Clan and the Highlands that surround it, “And I can love ya too, if ya truly love this land the way ya tell me ya do.” She continued to smile, “But I know ya do. I can see it in yer eyes when we’re together.”

That was the moment that Evrett truly fell under the spell of this woman. He fell for her hard and fast and he knew that he would never be able to let her go.

“I’ll marry ya, lass.” He smiled at her and she beamed.

“I have a plan.” Mischief flashed in her eyes and Evrett grinned.

“And what is this plan of yours?” He asked, and they sat down and hashed it out together before she noticed it was near time for her to depart.

“We’ve got ta get the ceremony done so the plan’ll work.” She stated and Evrett nodded.

“Come with me, I’ll take ya to the temple.”

The ceremony was short. The priestess made it quick and to the point, and they were married in minutes. Evrett then escorted her to the border just in time to reach the palace in time for departure.

 Before she could cross the border, he looped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, “Where d’ya think yer goin’ without kissin’ yer husband goodbye?” He quipped, smiling down at her and puckering his lips exaggeratedly.

Scarlette laughed and reached up to kiss him quickly. No such luck had she. He held her close and prolonged the kiss, igniting passion in it that Scarlette did not expect. When he pulled away he grinned down at his wife.

“Now ya donna forget about me, lassie. I want ya here back in a month’s time just as we planned.”

She laughed and nodded, “And if I’m not?”

He grinned, “Well, I’ll just hafta come and find ya, now won’t I?”

Scarlette hugged him close and sighed, “I’ll see ya again soon. Donna let those bonny lasses tempt ya, now. I donna want ta hafta bust skulls ta claim my man when I get home.”

Evrett growled and released her, taking a step back, “Go now woman, before talk like tha’ makes me drag ya back ta my keep.”

Scarlette laughed and skipped away, leaving Evrett behind her. Though he felt no sadness. He was elated that such a plan was put into motion. Once the lively woman whom he just claimed reaches the capital, he knew the negotiations would begin and she would be back to him before the moon disappears again from the sky. He looked up at the sky and thanked the wind for bringing him such a powerful and passionate woman to be by his side.

Knowing that the entire village must know about his quick marriage by now, the Laird turned and set off back to his castle. He had a public wedding to plan for.


What are they up to??? :) Tell me what you think is going to happen! :) 

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