Waking Up

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Lucy's POV:


'Where am I?'

'Who am I?'

'What is that bright light?'

(Not Dream)


I slowly opened my eyes. 

"Hi there sweetie!" A woman in a pink dress asked me. 


"My name is Mirajane, but you may call Mira." The woman named Mira told me.


"Not the talkative type are you? That's okay." Mira smiled at me.

I wanted to ask her if she knew my name . I needed to ask her where I was. I had so many questions, but my throat felt dry and raw. Had I been screaming? Ugh, I can't remember. 

"Here is some water sweetie!" The woman handed a bottle to me. 'Thank goodness' I thought. I chugged down the refreshing liquid. After wiping my mouth, I looked up at Mira.

".....thank you...."

My words were barely audible.  I'm actually surprised she heard me. Mira turned around and smiled at me. I didn't return the smile. Instead I started to get very dizzy. Everything started to get dark. The last thing I heard was Mira yelling, "Master!" 

'Don't leave me Mira' I thought as I lost consciousness. 

A/N: Hello everyone! I know I said chapter 2 would be the last update of the day, but life is full of surprises! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Yes, I know it is very short, but I will hopefully update tomorrow. This is my last update for the day. I'm positive this time. Thank you so much for reading my story. Bye everyone!

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