The Train

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(3rd Person POV):

Two dragon slayers were laying, passed out on the seat of a train. A certain red-haired mage had knocked them out because they were getting sick all over the train car.

(Earlier that day): 

Lucy was excited for her first mission. Not to mention her first time on a train. 

"I can't wait for our mission!" Lucy exclaimed. She was so excited, that she would squeal and sway at random moments in her wheelchair. Erza had been kind enough to let Lucy put her suitcase on top of her enormous pile.  At first, Lucy got worried that she had under-packed when she saw Erza's cart of luggage, but Gray and Natsu told her not to worry.

Suddenly the train station came into view. As soon as Lucy saw it, she started to throw up violently.

"Hey are you alright? Do we need to save this mission for another time Lucy?" Erza asked her worridley.

"No! I can do this! I am not missing my first mission." Lucy says with a determined look.

"Okay then if you say so-" Erza started, but Lucy cut her off.

"Knock me out." Lucy said bluntly.

"What? I can't do that to a family member." Erza blubbered.

"Just do it." Lucy rolled her eyes. "Oh, and knock Natsu out too. He'll need it." 

Natsu gaped at her. 

"How can you say that with such a straight face, Luce?" He started to fake cry.

"Okay then!" Erza said sarcastically.

She punched each of them in their stomachs, and threw them on the train.

(Back to Beginning Time:)

"Lucy, Natsu! Wake up! We are here!" Erza said. She was currently standing above the motion sick duo, trying to get them to wake up. Lucy had surprisingly slept the entire way to the city. Natsu on on the other hand, had to be knocked out at least three times before they arrived. It was finally time for the mission.

A/N: Hey guys, gals, and other readers! Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm sorry it was so short. I have been sick these past few days, so didn't have a good chance to write chapters for this story. I will try to write a longer chapter for next time. Until then, see ya!

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