Team Natsu

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(Lucy POV:)

It has been 2 days since I was welcomed to Fairytail. Me and the boy named Natsu have gotten pretty close, as friends of course. The only thing is that I am still in my wheelchair. It has gotten pretty annoying. I'm sure that wasn't always in it, but I can't remember a time before I woke up in Fairytail. Mirajane helped me decorate the wheelchair. We, meaning she, painted it a bright pink, and put flowers along the wheels. Every time I see a guild member walking to the request, I get really sad because I'm not allowed to take a request. Master says it's too dangerous for me because I can't move quickly enough in the wheelchair yet, but I've been practicing getting faster. Natsu has been helping me by racing me around the guild. When Natsu goes on requests, I normally help Mira with washing dishes or I go to the library. 

"I've gotten really fast now Master. Can I go on missions now?" I asked. I was currently in Makarov's office, begging to be allowed on a mission. I wasn't winning the argument. I could tell all the other guild members were standing and listening to me and Makarov fighting. 

"Absolutely not, Lucy!! You can't move well in that wheelchair, and you're just a little girl!!" He half-yelled.

"But, I can move really fast now! I can out-wheel Natsu, even when he is going full speed!! Plus, I'm already stronger than that orange haired man! He is the strongest in the guild, and even he said that!" I argued.

"That may be true, but-" He started, but I didn't let him finish.

"And the orange man only has one arm and leg!! I have all my limbs, but I just can't use two. What's wrong with that?! Why can't you just do the same for me?" I started to cry.

All of a sudden, a big whirl wind of dark blue magic swirled around us, controlled by my anger and frustration at Makarov. The wind knocked over his flower pots and blew papers off his desk, and it still got stronger. He began to get nervous. Good. Maybe now he will take me seriously. 


In a split second, everything that had been knocked over fixed and replaced themselves. The papers ordered themselves in a tall straight stack on his desk, and the entire office looked like it had just been cleaned. Master stood there shocked, as I smiled sweetly and started to wheel myself out the door, which I had just recently blown open. I didn't even flinch as I ran over Wakaba's fingers as he yelled in surprise and pain. He shouldn't have been lying on the ground. As I headed over to the request board, one request really stood out to me. 

                                                                                       Kill Black Dragon

                                                       Dragon has been terrorizing the town of Clover

                                                                                     Reward: 1,000,000

"This looks interesting..." I muttered to myself. I ripped it off the board, luckily it was low enough for me to reach.

"HEY NATSU!!!" I screamed towards the other end of the guild. The entire guild jumped when I yelled. Natsu was immediately by my side.

"Yes Luce? You know you don't have to yell for me right? I can hear you." He said. 

"Wanna go on a mission with me?" I asked him. 

"Thought you'd never ask!" He said, and I giggled.

"Alrighty then. Assemble the troops!" I laughed.

As Natsu ran off to pack and get Gray and Erza, I headed over to Mira. 

"Hi Mira!" I smiled brightly at her.

"Hiya Lucy!" She smiled back. 

"Can I get this request stamped? I'm going on a mission with Team Natsu. WE ARE GOING TO SLAY A DRAGON!!" I yelled the last part excitedly.

Mira looked at me nervously, and the rest of the guild stared at the two of us shocked.

"Isn't that a little dangerous for your first mission? Maybe you should pick a simpler one?" Mira said. 

"No, I'm okay. We will be doing this request, so can I have it stamped? I need to go pack my things." I said in a snarky tone.

After Mira stamped it I said thank you and wheeled out of the guild. Everyone I passed had their jaws to the floor, and I looked at them disgusted. 

"You are going to catch flies if you keep doing that." I told them, and with that I opened the doors and left. 

(The Next Morning:) 

"Hello everyone!!" I called to Erza and Gray. Natsu had crawled through my window again, and was walking beside me

"I'm so excited for my first mission!" I said excitedly. Erza and Gray smiled. "How will we get there?" I asked. Natsu paled beside me, and I shot a questioning look at him. 

"We are going by train." Erza sighed, looking at Natsu.

"Hey, Natsu, what's wrong? Are you sick, we can go some other time if you are." I asked worriedly. 

"No, I'm not sick Luce. I just hate transportation." He said turning green.

"But you fly with Happy all the time, and you go on lots of missions, don't you?" I asked confused. "And besides, you rode with Igneel the Dragon too right?" 

"I thought you didn't remember anything from your past ." Gray said.

"Well first of all, I'm just going to ignore the fact you don't have clothes. And second of all, I don't. Natsu just talks about his dad all the time." I said looking down. I sometimes get sad that I don't have my own dad to remember. 

"...Okay everyone! Time to get on the train!" Erza said, cutting through the tension with her butter swords (get it, I know I'm not funny). 'Oooohhh!  My first time on a train! This will be exciting!' I thought. Oh how wrong I was.

A/N: Okay, so here it is. Another chapter. I hope you guys liked it. I have a really busy week ahead of me, so I probably won't be able to update until maybe this coming weekend. Sorry! See you guys next time! Bye!

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