The Black Dragon

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The quartet walked (one wheeled) down a nearly empty street in the town of Clover. Lucy was wheeling happily down the street,not noticing anything was wrong due to her excitement, while the others were peering around nervously. They noticed all the doors to the houses and shops were closed, along with the windows. They also noticed how some of them were even boarded up. Once they got to their destination, Erza cautiously knocked on the door. The knock echoed throughout the empty town. This only made Natsu, Gray, and Erza even more nervous. Lucy, deciding there was enough waiting around, punched a hole through the door and peeked into the house.

"HHELLOOOOO!!!!" She yelled. "IS ANYONE HOME?"

Her yelling made her companions jump. A creaking noise got their attention, and they turned to see an old man whispering to them.

"...psst...over here......" He whispered, while looking around.

Lucy sped over to him, and spoke. "We are wizards from Fairytail, and have come to help!" She stated proudly. The man flinched at her loud voice. He ushered them through a series of bushes and they came upon a make-shift looking elevator. The elevator was made out of wood, and looked like it only went down, not up. Erza pushed Lucy's chair onto the contraption and motioned for Natsu and Gray to do the same. The pulled a lever on the side, and the lift went down into a dark hole/underground cave. "Cooollll!" Lucy whisper shouted. As the elevator came to the bottom of the cave, the man ushered the group deeper into the darkness. Natsu, being a fire dragon slayer, lit up his hand to provide some light. What they saw horrified them. All the people of the town were huddled up against each other in a corner in the back of the cave. They flinched at the light coming from Natsu's hand. The people looked starved and tired. Lucy looked around at them worriedly, and immediately conjured some food for them to eat. The people stared at her suspiciously before a child ran out and grabbed the food. Immediately, the people swarmed on the food, shoving it down their throats like dogs. Lucy screamed at the sudden motion,and tried to wheel back. Unfortunately for her, the wheel got stuck on a rock and she couldn't move. The people didn't care, they trampled her and knocked the chair over. Natsu immediately tried to rush over to her, but the crowd was too dense to let him through. Lucy was thrown backwards from the chair and laid right at the edge of a cliff. Gray and Natsu screamed out for her, and she tried to scramble away from the edge using her hands, but she ended up tumbling over. Her screams echoed throughout the cave as the crowd finally stopped eating. They stared in horror at the edge of the cliff where the young girl had fallen. Natsu rushed after her to the edge. He stared down into the blackness, hoping and searching for a glimpse of Lucy. All of a sudden, a roar sounded from the blackness. The people of Clover rushed to the elevator trying desperately to get away from whatever was making the terrifying sound. Natsu stared into the dark, wishing more than ever to catch a glimpse of golden hair. Finally, at the bottom of the cliff, laid Lucy. Natsu yelled out to Erza and Gray to help him get to her. The trio jumped down to get to Lucy. As Natsu picked her up, a huge mass emerged. A dragon. A terrifying one at that. It was a large black dragon with strange blue markings. It stared down at the four friends with a hateful glare. Gray and Erza paled, while Natsu tried to remember what Igneel had taught him about how to treat another dragon. Natsu knew that this was no ordinary dragon however. This was the Dragon King, Acnologia. What he couldn't figure out, was why he was in dragon form. Most dragons were in their human forms most of the time. Natsu, without breaking eye-contact with Acnologia, handed Lucy to Gray. Natsu cautiously walked two steps in front of Erza, Gray, and Lucy, and got in a defensive position. But, instead of fighting, Natsu slowly kneeled down on one knee and started speaking in Dragon Tongue.

"Skrat ee nit skol jas. Sista qwin oklo yasa. Een skao laosi shwa?" He said. We mean no harm to you, oh great dragon king. My friend is injured and we must return home. Will you please grant us passage through your territory? (A/N: I made up the Dragon Tongue language. If there are any words that I write that are or closely related to a language you speak, please know that I mean no disrespect to your country, and that I just made up the words and spelling. Thank you for your understanding.)

"Shanshk ulo mana qua. Yui kaa no pwevi toe. Eet ile fratyo drodo hamyp wee, goru hok ploweda." Acnologia replied back. I am surprised you know the mother tongue, young child. Most do not even know this language exists anymore. I do not normally show mercy to those who disrupt my slumber, but I shall grant you safe passage through my territory. Tell me young one, who is the young maiden you have with you? I would like to know who she is.

" Amyo kore gamsho yuro Lucy agnie." Natsu said. We believe her name is Lucy, but we are unsure because of her memory loss when we found her. She was fatally sick, and is currently paralyzed from the waist down.

Acnologia nodded his head, and walked away from the group. Erza and Gray were staring in shock at Natsu. They were wondering how Natsu could be so casual about having a full-blown conversation with a humongous dragon. Natsu motioned for Gray and Erza to follow him, and together they made their way up the cliff again in silence. Once arriving, Natsu picked up Lucy and set her down in the banged up wheelchair. The bright pink paint was chipped, and the chair was dented. They silently walked back to the train station, and not once did Natsu complain. He was too deep in thought to notice his motion sickness. Natsu was thinking.

Why was Acnologia, the Dragon King, alone in a dark cave sleeping? Dragons never slept. At least they didn't where he came from. And, why was he so interested in Lucy?

What he didn't know, was that he and his friends, had just awoken the most dangerous dragon ever to walk this Earth.

A/N: Hey guys and gals and others! I know, I know, I haven't updated anything in like forever. I finally got a chapter done, and I know I said end of September, but I felt like publishing today. Thanks for sticking with me. More updates coming soon! Bye!!!

-Author out! Peace!

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