Chapter 1

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A/N:Warning, there will be sexual innuendos, vulgar flirting, lemons and strong language. If you are not ok then please don't read. You have been warned.

Sarah POV

My favorite part of school, besides the ending of it, had to be lunch. Not because of food, since I'm a vampire, but because I get to stare at him all through out it. Ethan Morgan. The nerd of my wet dreams-ahhh I mean a very valuable friend. I sighed inwardly. I don't know why, but for the past few week Ethan's been on my mind. Then out of it. Then in again, then back in and back out and back in and out and in and out and in and-ahhhhhh! I shook my head furiously. Trying to rid the thoughts of me and Ethan doing 'things'. This all started after the ordeal with Jesse and the 219 souls thing.

I remembered the car ride on the way to theater and how Ethan was cutely stuttering and trying to complement me. It was adorable. I can tell he has a crush on me and I kinda like him too, but I don't know if I'm ready to start dating again. There's also the fact that I can't stop myself from thinking about pinning him to his bed and riding him with everything I've got, then-got damnit it happened again. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I need to figure out soon cause I don't know if I'll be able to hold of jumping Ethan much longer.

"Hey Sarah." Erica said sitting next to me and breaking me out of my thoughts. "Hey Erica, how's it going?" I asked. "Pretty normal. Not too exciting. How about you?" She asked. "Oh, uhh same here." I replied. She gave me a skeptical look. "You're lying." She stated. "What? No I'm not." I protested. "Yea you are. I can tell when you're lying, or have you forgotten that we've been friends since we were five?" She asked. "Of course I haven't forgotten." "Then tell me what's going on!" She exclaimed. We stared at each other for a minute straight, but I eventually gave in. Sighing I started to tell her.

"Well, I've been having these dreams and fantasies about some stuff." I said. She nodded slowly while making an 'keep going' motion. "Well, I don't know why, but I have been thinking about me and Ethan....having.....ya" I said hesitantly. Erica stared at me in shock and I'm pretty sure hidden disgust. "Umm, Wow. Ok then. That's.......surprising, yep definitely surprising." She said slowly. "Why exactly have you been thinking about that?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know! It's been on my mind for about a month now. It's been going in and out of my head and I can't control it." I said.

"What's worse is that this....urge gets stronger everyday. Every time I see him I just wanna-." Erica cut me off there. "Nope! No, no, no. I do not want to hear that." She said. I sighed. "So what are you gonna do? I mean you can't just jump on Ethan in the hallway or outside and 'you know' there." She said. "I don't know. I need to find out why I feel like this first." "Well, we need to talk to someone who know about vampires. Cause I don't know what's going on." She said. We thought for a moment and Erica came up with nothing. "I have the perfect person." I said suddenly. Unfortunately the bell rung and we had to go back to classes, but when school is out I know exactly who to talk to.


After school Erica and I hurried to our destination and knocked on the door. As we were waiting Erica was looking around.

"I feel like I've  been here before." She said. I shrugged and was going to respond, but the door open to reveal an grandma aged woman with short grey hair. "Hi ms.Weir." I said. She smiled. "Sarah, how nice to see you. And you brought Erica with you, I don't see her much." She said. "Well she doesn't like to be around Ethan and Benny as much as I do." I said. "When it comes to Benny I don't blame her." She laughed. "What can I do for you?" "Is Benny home?" I asked. "No he's at Ethan's house." She replied. "That's perfect, do you mind if we come in? I have a couple of questions." She nodded. "Of course come on in." We walked into the house and sat down.

After telling Benny's grandma about my problem we sat in her living as she thought about what this could be.

"I'm sorry Sarah, but even I don't know the answer to that. I've never heard of anything like it." She said and I sighed. "Are you sure? I really need help here. I have to babysit Jane tonight and I really don't want to lose my job cause I jumped Ethan in front of Jane." I pleaded. She thought for a moment then sighed. "Well I can't help you, but I know someone who might. But they're not the nicest people." She said. "Who?!" I yelled.


"I still can't believe we actually have a council. Can you?" Erica asked me. We had just left Benny house after his grandma told us to go to this church like place to see the vampire council. Erica couldn't believe that we had a council while I couldn't stop thinking about Ethan. He just wouldn't stay out of my head.

"We're here." Erica said breaking me out of my thoughts for the second time today. We walked into the building and was met with two vamps that were dressed completely in black. They were standing on either side of a large set of doors. As we got closer they stepped out and stopped us.

"You got an appointment?" The one on the left asked. "Uh, no. We just wanted to talk to the council." Erica said. "You need an appointment." The one on the left said. "Evelyn Weir sent us." I stated. It looked like they were gonna turn us down again, but hesitated. They then stepped back and pushed the doors open. Erica and I walked through and into a big room with little lighting and a lot of red velvet. Behind a big table was four vampires. A little girl on the far right and four older male vamps.

"You said Evelyn sent you, why?" The girl said. "She said you could probably help us." I told her. "With what." I looked to Erica who just shrugged with a smirk. "Ok to be blunt I wanna bang my friend incredibly hard and I have to babysit his little sister tonight and I really don't want to lose my job. Can you help me?" I asked while Erica giggled. "Um, 'bang incredibly hard'?" The girl asked and for some reason that really annoyed me. "Ya know, I want to fuck my brains out, pound me until I can't think straight. Stuff like that." I said crossing my arms. Everyone was looking at me wide eyed.

"What?" I asked. "Well ok then, we have a few questions." The guy in the middle said and I nodded for him to continue. "Are you still a fledgling?" I nodded. "Who bit you, was he powerful?" "Jesse Black bit me." I said causing the girl to sigh. "Of course he did." She said but I ignored her. "How long have you been a fledgling?" I thought about it. I honestly didn't know. "Close to a year now." He nodded. "Well good news is we know what's happening to you, bad news is it's not good." He said.

"Well what is it?" Erica asked. "Her mind is slowly slipping into something we call the 'succubus mode'. Succubus mode basically means that if she has feelings for a person and refuses to drink human blood than her body will look for other things to drink. Some examples are sweat, tears or in most to all cases sperm. As long as it enters her she'll be satisfied. The bad thing, she's gonna be reall horny when it comes to this friend of hers." The girl told us. "Is there anyway to stop it?" I asked. She shook her head. "Other than drinking human blood, no there isn't."

"Well, I guess we gotta go find you a human to drink." Erica said facing me. "No. I refuse to risk killing or turning another human." I stated firmly. "So you're just going to have sex with king nerd?" She asked sarcastically. I avoided looking at her and bit my lip. "Dear god you're actually thinking about it." She said. "Well it's better than killing or forcing a lifestyle like yours on somebody." I retorted. She was going to say something back, but my phone buzzed. I took it out and sighed.

"Crap I'm late babysitting Jane. Gotta go bye!" I yelled speeding out of the councils building. I just hope that if I end up doing it with Ethan Jane is sleeping.

That is all for now. Next chapter might have a lemon in it. I don't know. Anyway hope you enjoyed and until next time. See ya peoples!!

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