Universal Studios Japan©

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As you guys were in the bus you sat besides Todoroki who was sleeping, and you were having a chat about Midorya's flashy quirk with kirishima and Asui. "Well Izu-kun your quirk pretty much wowed me in the entrance exam you know?" you said in a cheery voice causing Midorya to flush his cheeks.
"Well if you're talking about flashy and strong," Kirishima continued.
"It's gotta be Todoroki, L/n, and Bakugo, huh?"
Todoroki slightly opened his eyes at the sound of his name but turned back to sleep as he knew they weren't really talking to him.

"Ah... Wait m-my quirk's not a big deal?" you retorted.
Asui then put her finger on her chin going into thought,
"Well if you really think about it your quirk is like part of Aizawa Sensei's, when you were fighting with Iida you "Erased" half of his reciproburst."

Aizawa took a glance backwards and looked back infront.

"Oh... Well Asui" "Call me Tsu" "R-right! That's because I got rid of his life force, it's not much but if I touch someone in a specific part of their body where they emit their quirk then its possible that I weaken it or as you said, erase it for a limited time."

Todoroki took a side glance at you and went back to sleep, it made you feel uneasy. "See L/n san, you're pretty strong too!" Midorya looked at you with hopeful eyes, you smiled at him.
"Shut up Deku!" Bakugo quickly retorted, "It's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage." Kaminari retorted as they went on about how Bakugo was so mean to everyone.
"Bastard I'll Kill You!"
You couldn't help but laugh at Bakugo being made fun of, on the other hand Izuku looked terrified at the fact that Katsuki was being teased.

"We're here. Stop with the chit chat."
Aizawa sensei said as the bus stopped into a huge building.
"Yes Sir!"

As we stepped down the bus we saw a pro hero in front of the entrance, "Everyone, I have been waiting for you."
Everyone looked wowed except you.
"... Who?"
"It's Space Hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who rescues tons of people from disasters!"
"...oh" you looked a bit embarrassed since you didn't really knew much about Thirteen.
Uraraka joined in, "Oh, I love Thirteen!"

"Let's go inside everyone!"
"Look forward to working with you!"
Everyone bowed.
"Everyone, I am sure that you're aware of my quirk, Black hole. It can suck up anything and turn it into dust."

"You use your quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?" Midorya retorted.

"Yes...but it's a power that can kill easily... Some of you have quirks like that, right?"

The thought made you think, you then look at your hands with a saddened face, your quirk -Could- kill someone. Though the way you found out about your quirk reminded you of what Thirteen was saying.

Your quirk manifested at the age of 9 a little later than everyone else which made people tease you and make bully you.


I looked around my environment as i walked home from school to see if there were any people that were following me. People liked to take advantage of my worthlessness as a human.
I didn't hear someone behind me and they pulled my shirt backwards, it was a tallish blonde girl that had a water quirk. "Hey there "Quirkless" you look kinda dirty, need to wash off?" she huffed.
I shook my head no in fear of her doing something to me. She looked around her group of followers and laughed, as she did so she started making a water bubble with her quirk and making it float around my head. With the sudden removal of oxygen, I started to struggle in pain.
I wanted to bawl, scream, and run away from the hell hole that they had put me in all those years. As she lifted up the water so did I and just as she did so I grabbed her face.
To my surprise my right hand started to glow a smokey black and as soon she started to freak out she let go of me and I was drenched in water. She had black out and soundfully went to sleep.

"That is all thank you for listening."
Everyone started clapping and so did you out of embarrassment for spacing out.

Suddenly all the lights in USJ started to shatter and break, when in the middle of the establishment a blackish purple smoke stsrted to surround the water fountain.

"Did the test just start like in the entrance exam?" asked Kirishima.
"Stay still!" yelled Aizawa sensei,
"Those are Villains."
Aizawa sensei went down to the villains and fought.
At the thought you felt paralized, all air from you longs left you as you made a gasp taking all your air in.
Deku then noticed you "Y/n!!" No response. "Y/n! We need to leave!" Iida noticed your struggle to move and swooped right in time to grab you and get you out of there.
You soon reacted at his touch and started running along with them to the entrance.

The purple smoke from before had turned into a villain! "You're not getting out of here," it spoke. Thirteen used their quirk to try and stop it, but to no avail he couldn't do anything but stand there and try to cope. The villain then proceeded to scatter us in different parts of the building. Before you were teleported you heard Iida scream at the top of his lungs. "Everyone!"
Water surrounded you as you fell down into the shipwreck area you gasped as air left your lungs but to no avail you were knocked out of consciousness. You could see Midorya being taken away from the water by Tsu's frog-like tongue who also had Mineta in her arms, as Izuku got a hold off your cape, he pulled you to him and both were taken to the ship thanks to Asui. It took you a moment but all of you were able to calm down. Well except for Mineta who started to cry his "little Mineta" heart out.
You guys jumped out of the ship making all the water villains gather in a sticky ball. You finally reached the shore where Aizawa sensei was fighting off the villains.
"We'll get away if it seems to dangerous"
"Izu-kun, maybe we should run away now...not to be rude or anything but your quirk is not very stable."
"I know it's dangerous but in any case, I can't let my friends get hurt." He gave you such a determined look you couldn't help but gather all of the energy from the water and ready yourself to fight and protect your friends. You looked back to Aizawa sensei and almost let out a gasp. "I'm not the last boss."

As Aizawa's arm was snapped back you couldn't help but silently cry at how hopeless you felt seeing your teacher, a pro hero, be easily snapped like a twig. That's when the warp villain appeared and said how one of our classmates was able to run away.

"Iida, please hurry..."

He seemed to hear you as he went straight for Asui and touched her face, until Aizawa was able to look directly at the hand villain.
Midorya went straight to punch Shigaraki, as he saw that he had his guard down.

Though something blocked him, the thing that was fighting Aizawa sensei blocked his powerful fist. As Asui grabbed Midorya but just as Shigaraki was about to grab her you pushed her so that he grabbed you instead, as he did so you held tightly onto his other arm and wouldn't let go.

You started to feel a very sharp and stinging pain ,but just as you did you drained away Shigaraki's life force leaving it a deep shade of purple.
Your right cheek started to crumble away almost reaching your eye until the main doors slammed open.

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