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Quirk: Greyscale

This quirk allows the user to use their right hand as a life draining mechanism that give the user energy as well as boosting their attack ratio. (It also makes your right hand look really cool since it gives it a black smoky effect) Their left hand allows them to form white light orbs that can be shot and make out an extra punch, these light orbs however can not burn nor destroy a surface. While using both hands the user can make a grey shield that covers their body which can support sharp objects, frequent punches, and any temperature related attacks, though at its pace it can start to crack and shatter with the more power used against it.


Other ablities:
*Above average learning skills
*Trilingual (sorry that those without 2 languages or more but i really like the concept of you being able to understand Japanese/Spanish/English)

Apperace: IT DONT MATTER BECAUSE its you and you are beautiful ;)

(but just a reminder that because youre in the hero course you have to have a healthy body, so not "being fit" and no "malnourished" bodies

I believe that it might as well be a body that nourishes itself daily with a balanced diet.)

So this new story sparked because well bnha is pretty much almosy gonna end, (the anime) and well i really love Iida, this lil baby blue boy needs more stories, seriously it has a lack of them. So here I come with this story!!!! Thanks for reading lovelies! ❤

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